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Checking the Log for the Job from the Active Environment Screen

You can use the L (Log) option of the Active Environment screen to check the job log for these jobs. The log is then displayed in the Control-M Log screen. If this option is specified for multiple jobs in the Active Environment screen, the log displays will be stacked. Each time PF03/PF15 is pressed, the next log in the stack is displayed, until all logs have been displayed.

Figure 13 Log Option in the Active Environment Screen

Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

L IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21JOB1 /21309   JOB Ended "OK"                   

L IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21JOB2 /21310   JOB Ended "OK"                   

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

  1. Type L (Log) in the O (Option) field to the left of IDJOB1 and IDJOB2, and then press Enter. The log for IDJOB1 is displayed.

    Figure 14 Control-M Log Screen

    --------------------- LOG MESSAGES FOR JOB(S) IDJOB1   -----------------(3.LOG)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    SHOW LIMIT ON ==> USERID GROUP MEM/MIS                     DATE 020201 - 020201

    DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

    020201 151226 020201 ID       JOB511I JOB IDJOB1 OID=001JT ODATE 020201       

                                          TASK=ID /OS35/ID - PLACED ON AJF - THIS

                                           JOB MUST BE RUN BEFORE IDJOB2          

    020201 151908 020201 ID       CTM65AI JOB IDJOB1 OID=001JT ODATE 020201       

                                          CNFSCHED PERFORMED BY ID                

    020201 151911 020201 ID       SEL203I JOB IDJOB1 OID=001JT ELIGIBLE FOR RUN   

    020201 151912 020201 ID       SUB133I JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT         

                                          SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) CTM.TEST.JCL

    020201 151917 020201 ID       SPY28GI JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT TAPE   

                                          DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                 

    020201 151917 020201 ID       SPY281I JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT START   

                                          01033.1519 STOP 01033.1519 CPU 0MIN     

                                          00.02SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.03 7AOS35  

    020201 151917 020201 ID       SPY254I JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT SCANNED

    020201 151918 020201 ID       SEL250I JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT         

                                          CONDITION "IDJOB1-ENDED-OK ODATE 0202"  

                                          ADDED; RUN NUMBER=00001                 

    020201 151918 020201 ID       SEL208I JOB IDJOB1 M21 /24861 OID=001JT ENDED   


    CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      15.22.58  

    You can see the clear progression of messages that were generated as the job executed under the control of Control-M. You can scroll the display forward to see additional lines.

  2. Press PF03/PF15.

    The log for IDJOB2 is displayed.

  3. Press PF03/PF15 again.

    The Active Environment screen is redisplayed.

    As an alternative to using the Log option in the Active Environment screen to request the log display for specific jobs, you can use Option 5 (LOG) of the IOA Primary Option menu to request display of the IOA Log screen. This screen displays the log for all INCONTROL for z/OS products. You can then filter the display in much the same way that you filtered the display of the Active Environment screen.

Parent Topic

Introduction to the Active Environment Screen