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Reporting Infinite Loops

To help the BMC development staff diagnose suspected infinite loops, rerun utility CTOFANCI in TSO (instead of running it in batch) using the following steps:

  1. Examine the batch JCL of the utility to determine which datasets it uses.
  2. Reference the datasets identified in step 1 using DD statements SYSPROC, SYSEXEC or STEPLIB in your logon procedure.
  3. Logon to TSO, and enter ISPF (Option 6).
  4. Type CTOFANCI sysin-dsn(sysin-member) as entered in the batch run.
  5. Monitor the TSO execution of utility CTOFANCI (from a different TSO session) until an infinite loop situation or another type of problem is suspected.
  6. Press the TSO Attention key in the TSO session running utility CTOFANCI. A REXX prompt is displayed.
  7. Type TS (meaning, TRACE START) in response to the REXX prompt, and press <Enter>.
  8. Print the screen, or capture its content in a file.
  9. Continue pressing <Enter> and capturing the screen content several times (for example, ten times).
  10. Press the TSO Attention again. A REXX prompt is displayed.
  11. Respond HI (meaning, Halt Interpretation) in response to the REXX prompt. Utility CTOFANCI is stopped.

Parent Topic

Problem Reporting