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Translation Parameters

The following parameters specify how to convert certain content in the input members, and how to determine values for certain parameters in output rules.

Table 15 Translation Parameters




Indicates whether to copy comment lines from the input member to output rules. Optional.

  • Y (Yes)—Comments and code are copied from the input rule to the output rule.
  • N (No)—Only code is copied from the input rule to the output rule. Default.


Specifies the existence and position of line sequence numbers in input scripts:

  • AUTO – Utility CTOFANCI checks the content of each input member for presence of sequence numbers. Default.
  • STD – The input members contain sequence numbers in columns 73–80.
  • NONE – The input members do not contain sequence numbers.
  • col1-col2 – The input members contain sequence numbers in the specified line positions (columns).
  • It is recommended that AUTO be specified even though the other values may provide some performance gains. The other values must be used in unusual situations where utility CTOFANCI (with LINESEQ=AUTO) does not properly detect the presence and location of sequence numbers.


Indicates the operation mode to be specified in Control-O rules created by the utility. Valid values are:

  • PROD – Production mode.
  • LOG – Log mode. Default.
  • TEST – Test mode.
  • RULEOWNER – Specifies the user ID to be associated with rules created by utility CTOFANCI. The value specified for this parameter is inserted in the OWNER field of the Control-O rules generated by this run of the utility. Up to 8 characters can be specified. Default: CTOFANCI.


The start time of the work day at your site. The format is:

DAYTIME=+hhmm or DAYTIME=-hhmm


  • + indicates a time after midnight
  • - indicates a time before midnight
  • hhmm indicates the time (hour and minute)

Note: The syntax for this parameter is identical to the syntax for Control-O and Control-M installation parameter DAYTIME. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

The DAYTIME value must be the same as that assigned to Control-O installation parameter DAYTIME.


Day on which the work week starts. Valid values:

  • MON—Start the work week on Monday. Default.
  • SUN—Start the work week on Sunday.

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