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Execution and Restart Parameters

The following parameters can be used to influence basic utility operations, and to indicate how utility CTOFANCI must be run if the previous run of the utility ended due to an error, or because the specified maximum number of input members was processed.

Table 14 Execution and Restart Parameters




Specifies whether output rules must be created by this run of Utility CTOFANCI. Valid values are:

  • NORMAL – Utility CTOFANCI creates output libraries, output rules and reports
  • SIMULATION – The utility produces reports but does not create output PDSs or output rules.
    Reports produced by utility CTOFANCI in simulation mode contain names of output libraries and output rules according to the pattern specified using parameters OUTDSN and OUTTABLE. However, the reports do not reflect any changes in the names of output libraries (PDSs) or output rules that could result from runtime exceptions (for example, duplicate member names, or duplicate library names).


Dataset at which to start processing.

If a previous run of utility CTOFANCI ended due to errors or because the specified maximum number of input members was processed, you can use this parameter to indicate that processing must start at a specific dataset and in this way avoid repetition of processing already performed in the previous run of the utility.

If no value is specified for parameter RPTSRCDSN, the report is written to a print file.

Valid values are:

  • dsname – Name of the dataset at which to start processing.
  • dsid – Dataset ID (for example, D007) at which to start processing. A dataset ID is assigned by utility CTOFANCI to each input dataset after it is selected using specified INCLUDE statements (see INCLUDE Statements). To determine the dataset ID of a dataset, see report RPTFILES produced by a previous run of the utility.

Note: The dataset ID assigned to a specific input dataset may change in subsequent runs of the utility if:

  • The INCLUDE statements changed.
  • Certain previously selected input datasets are no longer cataloged.
  • New datasets that match existing INCLUDE statements have been catalogued.

Therefore, a dataset ID must be used to indicate restart criteria only if no changes have been made to the selection statements or to your environment since the last run of CTOFANCI.

When a value is specified for parameter RESTARTDS, utility CTOFANCI selects all input datasets according to the specified INCLUDE statements, and then skips all selected datasets until the specified one is encountered.

Note: You can also use this parameter to skip processing of an input dataset that causes utility CTOFANCI to fail or enter a loop.


Member at which processing must start.

  • If this parameter is specified, utility CTOFANCI skips all members in the first processed dataset, until the member name specified in RESTARTMEM is encountered.
  • If a value has been specified for parameter RESTARTDS, the utility searches for the specified member in the specified dataset.

If no value has been specified for parameter RESTARTDS, the utility searches for the specified member in the first dataset selected using the INCLUDE statements.

Note: If the specified member is not found in the dataset, the CTOFANCI utility does not process any member in the dataset; instead, it starts processing with the first member of the next dataset. For additional information about restarting the utility in the see the description of the RESTARTDS parameter in this table.

You can also use this parameter to skip processing of an input member that causes utility CTOFANCI to fail or enter a loop.


Number of input rules or members processed between progress messages. Utility CTOFANCI issues a progress message (CTOF28I) each time it finishes processing the specified number of rules and members. Default: 10. For more information about progress message CTOF28I, see Messages.


Specifies how many lines to process in each input member while in simulation mode. In simulation mode, the utility does not translate automation statements in input members. Therefore, this parameter can reduce resource consumption and improve the performance of the utility in simulation mode. A value from 10 to 999 can be specified.

This parameter is ignored if MODE=NORMAL is specified.

If an input member contains more than the specified number of lines, the number of lines listed in the utility reports is specified as TURN (that is, truncated).

If this parameter is not specified, all lines of each input member are processed.

Note: If a truncated member contains multiple rules, some rules may not appear in the reports produced by the simulation run of the utility.


Specifies a limit for the number of warnings to be displayed per input rule or member. Optional. A value from 1 to 99 can be specified.

Utility CTOFANCI reports problems with input rules or members using warning messages. Certain recurring problems may result in multiple warning messages with similar content.

Parameter RULEWARNLIM can be used to reduce the number of warning messages to a manageable number. If messages for a specific rule or member are suppressed as a result of the specified limit, a message is issued indicating the member name and the number of suppressed messages.


Specifies a maximum number of input members to be processed in this run of utility CTOFANCI. If the specified number of input members is processed, the utility shuts down.

This parameter can be used together with Restart parameters (described elsewhere in this table) to manage accumulation of the results of multiple runs of utility CTOFANCI.

If no value is specified for this parameter, all selected input members are processed during this run of utility CTOFANCI.

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