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General Information

The ON SYSOUT statement causes Control-O to monitor the text written to the specified SYSOUT. Unless an ON MESSAGE statement is also specified, the rule will be triggered for each message written to the SYSOUT. The number of messages that trigger the rule can be limited by using conjunctional operators (And/Or/Not) to connect ON SYSOUT, ON MESSAGE, and ON STRING statements.

When a SYSOUT is opened, Control-O searches for an ON SYSOUT statement that has ON SYSOUT criteria that match the criteria of the new SYSOUT. If the search succeeds, Control-O starts to monitor the message traffic in the SYSOUT, regardless of the conjunctional operator. From this point on, Control-O treats every line that is written to the SYSOUT as a standard message. For this reason, all lines written to the SYSOUT are also written to the Operation Log.

Although Control-O constantly monitors the SYSOUT stream, Control-O triggers the rule only when its ON statements are satisfied.

You can use the ON SYSOUT statement to respond to messages that an application writes to SYSOUT. The following are examples of the use of the ON SYSOUT parameter:

Parent Topic

ON SYSOUT: General Parameter