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ON JOBARRIV: Message/Event Selection Parameter

Specifies the name of jobs the arrival of which on the spool triggers the execution of the rule.

Figure 204 ON JOBARRIV Parameter Format

Optional. Type JOBARRIV (or its abbreviation JA) in the ON field and press Enter. The subparameters shown in Table 159 are displayed.

Table 159 ON JOBARRIV Subparameters




Job name (or mask). Mandatory.


Type of the job the arrival of which on the JES spool can trigger the rule. Optional. Valid values are:

  • J – Batch job (JOB)
  • S – Started task (STC)
  • T – TSO user (TSU)

If JTYPE is specified, only jobs of the specified type will invoke the rule.

Note: The JTYPE subparameter is not supported under JES3.


SMF ID of the CPU to monitor for job arrival. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported. The default is the current CPU.


Name of the system to monitor for job arrival. Mask characters (* and ?) are supported. The default is the current system.


Conjunctional subparameter that permits linking of ON statements. Valid values are:

  • A (And) – Both statements need be satisfied.
  • O (Or) – Only one statement must be satisfied.
  • N (Not) – The condition in the following statement need not be satisfied.

For detailed information on this subparameter, see General Information.

Note: For JES3 Users: JOBARRIV rules are processed on the global CPU.

Parent Topic

Rule Parameters