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General Information

When you specify an ON parameter and press Enter, additional fields (subparameters) that are relevant to the parameter are displayed. Each ON parameter and its subparameters comprise an ON statement. At least one ON statement is required in a rule definition.

Additional ON statements can be specified using the And/Or/Not option, except if an ON EVENT or ON RULE statement is specified. No other ON statements can be specified with an ON EVENT or ON RULE statement.

The first ten characters of the message ID, string, command, or event name will appear as the name of the rule in the Rule List and Rule Status screens.

AutoEdit Variables

Control-O AutoEdit System or Global variables that are embedded in the message ID, string or command name are automatically resolved (replaced) at the time of rule ordering (not rule activation). For more information about AutoEdit variables, see AutoEdit Facility.

And/Or/Not Subparameter

This subparameter enables the specification of multiple ON statements.

The And/Or/Not subparameter uses standard Boolean logic, as described in Table 154.

Table 154 And/Or/Not Subparameter Operators



A (And)

Another ON line is opened; the rule is activated only if both ON statements are true for the same triggering message or command.

O (Or)

Another ON line is opened; the rule is activated if at least one of the ON statements is true for the same triggering message or command.

N (Not)

Another ON line is opened; the rule is activated only when previous ON statements are true and the following ON statement is false.

And and Not are applied before Or.

Not means And Not as follows:

Use of OR reduces the amount of redundant data in the Control-O Rules library and improves rule management.

Note: When entering multiple ON statements, insure that the statements are not mutually exclusive or not connected by an AND parameter. Rules containing mutually exclusive ON statements connected by an AND parameter will never be triggered. To prevent confusion, the AND is blocked during the ON statement definition.

Example 1:




Example 2:




Character Masking

The following mask characters can be used when entering ON statement values:

Parent Topic

ON Statement: Message/Event Selection Parameter