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ON Statement: Message/Event Selection Parameter

Specifies conditions under which the rule is performed. If the conditions are satisfied, Control-O performs the specified DO actions.

Figure 195 ON Statement Format

Type one of the options in the ON field and press Enter.

Valid options are described briefly in Table 153.

Note: For more information about each of the ON parameters in Table 153, refer to the detailed description of the parameter later in this chapter.

Table 153 ON Statement Options




A message identifier (ID) from 1 through 10 characters in length.


Message text to be intercepted by Control-O.


Operator command to be intercepted by Control-O.


Message text issued by Control-M/Links for Windows NT to be intercepted by Control-O.


An event identifier from 1 through 8 characters in length. Use of an ON EVENT statement indicates that Control-O will use runtime scheduling criteria to determine whether or not to perform an action.


Rule name from 1 through 8 characters in length. The rule is performed only when invoked by a DO RULE statement that is part of another rule.


Name or mask of the job to be monitored for the completion of a specified step. The rule is performed when the specified step of the specified job is completed.


Job name (or mask). The rule is performed when a matching job or started task arrives on the JES spool from any source (such as jobs submitted by a TSO user, by CICS, or jobs received over an NJE network).


Job name (or mask). The rule is performed when a matching job or started task terminates.


Name (or mask) of the job to be monitored for data set events. The rule is performed when data set disposition is performed by z/OS, for specified data sets, at deallocation time during step termination or dynamic deallocation.


Exception code (or mask) issued by an OMEGAMON monitor. The rule is triggered when the specified exception code is issued from the specified OMEGAMON monitor.


Name of data set to be allocated.


Message text to be intercepted. ON SYSOUT is used to trap messages associated with a specific SYSOUT stream of messages for a DD name.

Parent Topic

Rule Parameters