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General Information

TEST mode enables you to test the effects of a rule definition without actually performing the DO console actions. Assignment of Global variables is performed.

LOG mode performs the same as PROD mode but also logs events and actions to the test journal for test tracking purposes.

If the Control-O Automation Log facility is active, events and actions are recorded in the Automation Log. If the Automation Log facility is not active, this information is written to the Control-O monitor SYSOUT referenced by the DAACTLOG DD statement. For more information, see the description of controlling the automation log facility in the Control-O chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

The operation mode of a rule can be changed temporarily after a rule is ordered:

For more information, see the description of controlling rule operation mode in the Control-O chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Parent Topic

MODE: General Parameter