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Options of the Rule Status Screen

Table 52 shows the options that can be applied to the rule status line of any rule that is not currently active (that is, any rule that has EXECUTING status). These options are listed at the bottom of the Rule Status screen.

Table 52 Options of the Rule Status Screen



? (WHY)

Displays the Why screen, which indicates why the rule is in WAIT ACTIVATION status. This status is discussed in "Why Screen" immediately below this table.


Holds the rule (places the rule in HELD status). The rule will not execute unless freed by the FREE option. In some cases the HOLD request may be rejected by the Control-O monitor. A rule that is executing cannot be held.


Deletes the rule from the active environment. A rule must be placed in HELD status before it can be deleted.


Frees a held rule.


Changes the current MODE of the rule (from TEST to LOG, from LOG to PROD, and from PROD to LOG).


Changes the status of a rule from SUSPEND (that is, the rule has reached its threshold) to ACTIVE, so that the rule is eligible for triggering.

The following option is valid only for rules that are currently active, that is, those that have EXECUTING status:


Cancels the execution of the rule. If the rule is executing a DO TSO, DO KSL, or DO SHELL, the TSO command, KSL script, or z/OS shell script is also canceled.

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Rule Status Screen