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General Information

This parameter is used to control the use of resources in the installation, such as tape drives, CPU, DB access. Upon rule activation, Control-O can change the quantity of a Quantitative resource.

Control-O AutoEdit variables embedded in the DO RESOURCE name subparameter are automatically resolved (replaced) at the time of rule activation. For more information about the AutoEdit facility, see Chapter 4, "AutoEdit Facility."

A DO RESOURCE statement can be distributed to Control-O on a remote system that is identified by the %%$COMMSYS reserved user-defined variable in a preceding DO SET statement. For more information, see the description of %%$COMMSYS in Reserved User-Defined Variables, and Performing an Action on Another System ctoug3.

Note: When ? is used to check the status of the resource, a value is returned to the %%$CTMRC, %%$CTMRESMAX, %%$CTMRESCURR, and %%$CTMRESPRI AutoEdit variables. For more information on these AutoEdit variables, see AutoEdit Facility. When ? is used in the QUANTITY field, the rule uses an internal DO WAIT TIMEOUT 0 statement in order to force the rule to be processed under the Control-O monitor. The Control-O monitor is where all the relevant data required by the Control-M interface is accessible.

Parent Topic

DO RESOURCE: Automated Console Action Parameter