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The GLOBALS Option

The GLOBALS option displays the values of Control-O Global AutoEdit variables. Variables can be selected for display by either their individual name or mask, or by pool name or mask.

To select variables for display, type S (Select) to the left of the GLOBALS option in the Automation Options menu and press Enter. The window shown in Figure 57 is opened.

Figure 57 Automation Options GLOBALS Option Window

--------< D >--------  CONTROL-O - AUTOMATION OPTIONS  -------------------(OA)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O OPTION                     DESCRIPTION

  COMMAND    Enter Console Command

  CONSOLE    Display Contents of MVS Console

  ENQ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

S GLO |                                                                    |

  OPE |                      Please Enter Parameters                       |

  SAM |                                                                    |

  SER |   VARIABLE MASK ===> *                                             |

  SUB |   POOLID        ===> $GLOBAL                                       |

===== |   SYSTEM NAME   ===> CURRENT                                       |===










Select an OPTION and press ENTER                                      08.20.50

The window contains the required fields shown in Table 68. Default values are displayed.

Table 68 Fields of the GLOBALS Option Window




Name of Global variable or mask that determines the group of Global variables to be displayed. Default: * (display all Global variables).


Name or mask of the members that contains the Global variables to be displayed. Default: $GLOBAL.


Name of the system within the Sysplex from which XAE TYPE 1 Database AutoEdit Variables are displayed.
Default: CURRENT (system on which the user is currently logged).

This field is valid only when displaying TYPE 1 XAE databases. For other AutoEdit Variables, (including XAE TYPE 2 Databases), where the SYSTEM NAME is not CURRENT, databases that are not TYPE 1 will not be displayed.

For more information about the XAE facility, see Using an XAE AutoEdit Variable Database.

Change the default values, if desired, and press Enter. The Globals Display screen is displayed.

Parent Topic

Automation Options Facility