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The ENQINFO Option — Enqueue Information

The ENQINFO option is used to display ENQ (Enqueue) information, that is, information on who is holding a resource and who is waiting for a resource. You can specify selection criteria to limit the type and amount of ENQ information displayed.

Type S (Select) to the left of the ENQINFO option on the Automation Options menu and press Enter. The window shown in Figure 54 is opened. It contains selection criteria.

Figure 54 Automation Options ENQINFO Option Window

--------< D >--------  CONTROL-O - AUTOMATION OPTIONS  -------------------(OA)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O OPTION                     DESCRIPTION

   COMMAND    Enter Console Command

   CONSOLE    Display Contents of MVS Console

S ENQ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

   GLO |                                                                    |

   OPE |                      Please Enter Parameters                       |

   SAM |                                                                    |

   SER |   Request        ==> CONFLICT                                      |

   SUB |   Scope          ==> ALL                                           |

===== |   Qname (Major)  ==>                                               |===

       |   Rname (Minor)  ==>                                               |

       |   Rname cont.    ==>                                               |

       |   Jobname        ==>                                               |

       |   Timing (Y/N)   ==> N                                             |

       |                                                                    |







Select an OPTION and press ENTER                                      07.27.14

Initial values are specified for the fields that are mandatory. The selection criteria can be changed by specifying new values and pressing Enter.

Available selection criteria are shown in Table 64.

Table 64 Selection Criteria of the ENQINFO Option Window




ENQ request. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • CONFLICT — ENQ conflicts are selected, that is, jobs holding resources for which other jobs are waiting. Default.
  • WAITER — Jobs waiting for resources are selected.
  • OWNER — Jobs that own resources are selected.
  • LOCK — Deadlocked jobs (that is, where one job holds resources for which another job is waiting) are selected.
  • ALL — All ENQ entries are selected.


Scope of ENQ entries selected. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • STEP — STEP level
  • SYSTEM — SYSTEM level
  • ALL — ENQ entries of all three levels above are selected. Default.


Queue name or mask (major name of the resource), such as, SYSDSN or SYSVSAM. Initially set to blanks. Optional.


Resource name or mask (minor name of the resource). Initially set to blanks. Optional.

The length of Rname is determined as follows:

  • If the name is between two single quotation marks, the length is the number of characters between the quotation marks (including leading and trailing blanks).
  • If the name is not between quotation marks, the actual length is the number of characters, from the first position in the Rname field (including blanks, if any) to the last non-blank character in the field.

Rname cont

Rname can be continued to a total of 88 characters.


Job name or mask which issued the ENQ. Initially set to blanks. Optional.

Timing (Y/N)

Determines whether or not the time jobs wait for a resource is calculated. Mandatory. Valid values are:

  • N (No) — Time is not calculated. Default.
  • Y (Yes) — Time is calculated.


Note: The calculated time is the time a job waits for a resource, from first invocation of the ENQ Information screen until its latest REFRESH.

Change parameters, if desired, and press Enter to close the window. The ENQ Information screen is displayed.

Parent Topic

Automation Options Facility