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Display Filters Window

When you do not know the name of a filter, you can activate a filter from the list of available filters by opening the Display Filters window. This window displays the list of all available filters, which includes global filters that are available to all users, as well as user-defined filters that are only available to the individual user. You can activate a filter from the Display Filters window, or switch to the Automation Log Show Screen window or Automation Log Search Screen window, where you can edit or define a filter.

To enter the Display Filters window, type SHOW ? or SEARCH ? in the COMMAND field of the Automation Log screen and press Enter.

Figure 43 Automation Log Screen Display Filters Window

FILTER:            ------------- AUTOMATION LOG  --------------< D >-------(OL)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 290200 - 290200

DATE   TIME   JOBNAME   ------------------ M E S S A G E ----------------------

290200 141922 CONSOLE   141                                 THE DUMP         

290200 141922 CONSOLE   141         81 R 19.55.16 OS35     *81 DSI802A CNM01  

29020+-----------------------------------+                 NCCF SYSTEMOPERATO

29020|          DISPLAY FILTERS          |9.55.13 OS35     *80 ISTEXC200 -DYN

29020| CMD ==>           SCROLL==> CRSR  |                 ENTERED            


29020|    CONSOLE  JNAME=CONSOLE         |                                    

29020|    NOSTC    NO STARTED TASKS      |                                    

29020|    CONSOL1                        |3 IS;U                              

29020|    CICS     CICS ONLY             |60,FD3286,SL,NOCOMP,FD3286,LOAD1,IOA

29020| =========>>> BOTTOM <<<========== |                       CPU (TOTAL)  

29020|                                   | PROCSTEP    RC    I/O HH:MM:SS.TH  

29020|                                   | C           04   2112       03.83  

29020|                                   | LINK1       04     54       00.10  

29020|                                   |RUN MODE CHANGED TO  N O R M A L DU

29020|                                   |             00    969       00.52  

29020|                                   | LINK2       08    884       00.42  

29020|  OPTIONS  S  SELECT  E  EDIT      | ENDED - TIME=14.19.43              



Fields of the Display Filters Window

The Display Filters window contains the following fields:

Table 58 Fields of the Display Filters Window




Name of the filter as it appears in the General or User profile.


Description of the filter.

Options of the Display Filters Window

To request one of the following options, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the filter name and press Enter.

Table 59 Options of the Display Filters Window




Filters which entries are displayed in the Automation Log Screen according to the criteria specified in the selected filter.


Opens the Screen Filter window, where the filter criteria are displayed. You can modify the filter criteria.

Exiting the Automation Log Screen Filter Window

You can activate an edited filter with or without saving changes, depending on the value you specify in the SAVE field, as follows:

By default, using the END command (PF03/PF15) in the window works like pressing Enter. However, the default can be modified so that END works like RESET.

Parent Topic

Filtering the Automation Log Screen Display