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Filtering the Automation Log Screen Display

Screen filters can be used to filter the Automation Log screen display. A filter consists of a set of record selection criteria (selection fields and their values). Only records that conform to the selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed on the screen. The INCONTROL administrator can predefine filters and place them in the General profile.

There are two types of filters for the Automation Log screen: SHOW and SEARCH. You can use these filters together to display a specific set of records.

From the Automation Log screen, you can do any of the following:

A predefined default SHOW filter, named DEFAULT, is provided for the Automation Log screen. Site-defined defaults determine whether the last filter used or the DEFAULT filter is activated when you reenter the Automation Log screen.

Note: Filtering begins with the first entry currently displayed in the screen and continues downward.

Parent Topic

Automation Log Screen