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Commands of the Automation Log Screen

In addition to the DISPLAY (DI) command explained in Changing Display Types, the following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Automation Log screen.

Table 57 Commands of the Automation Log Screen




Activates the specified screen filter, opens the Automation Log Show Screen window, or opens the Display Filters window, depending on the format of the command. For more information, see Filtering the Automation Log Screen Display.

Valid formats are:

  • SHOW filter_name EDIT — opens the Automation Log Show Screen window for the specified SHOW filter
  • SHOW filter_name — activates the specified SHOW filter
  • SHOW (PF02/PF14) — opens the Automation Log Show Screen window for the active SHOW filter
  • SHOW ? — opens the Display Filters window
    This window lists all available SHOW filters.

Note: The reserved filter name DEFAULT can be used to activate or edit the default SHOW filter for the status screen. Only records that conform to the selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed in the Automation Log screen.


Activates the specified screen filter, opens the Automation Log Search Screen window, or opens the Display Filters window, depending on the format of the command. For more information on filtering the Automation Log Screen,see Filtering the Automation Log Screen Display.

Valid formats are:

  • SEARCH filter_name EDIT — opens the Automation Log Search Screen window for the specified search filter
  • SEARCH filter_name — activates the specified SEARCH filter
  • SEARCH — opens the Automation Log Search Screen window for the active SEARCH filter
  • SEARCH ? — opens the Display Filters window
    This window lists all available SEARCH filters

Note: The reserved filter name DEFAULT can be used to activate or edit the default SEARCH filter for the status screen. Only records that conform to the selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed in the Automation Log screen.

ALL [job_name]

If job_name is not specified, the command resets all fields in the Show Option window to their default values, and resets all fields in the Search Option window to blanks. As a result, all Automation Log records are displayed.

IF job_name is specified, where job_name is a name, mask, or prefix for job name selection, the command resets all fields in the Show Option window to default values, and resets all fields in the Search Option window to blanks, and then selects for display only those records with a parent task name that conforms to the specified job name. For example, ALL PROD* means that only messages and commands originating from jobs with names beginning with PROD are displayed.


The AUTO command automatically refreshes the screen after a specified interval. When the command is issued with no parameter, the default interval time will be the value set for the INTERVAL parameter in CTOPARM.

For more information, see AutoRefresh Mode.


The LIMIT command limits the Automation Log search to a specified number of records.

The format of the command is LIMIT nnn. In this command, nnn is the number of records. If nnn is not specified, the limit is set (or reset) to 10,000 records.

If the search limit is reached and insufficient records that fit the SHOW criteria or the FIND criteria have been selected, the Search Limit window is opened and you can choose to stop or continue the search. For more information, see Search Limit Window.


The LOCATE command (abbreviated LO) locates the first Automation Log record with a creation time that matches the specified time. That record becomes the first record in the display.

The format of the command is LOCATE hhmmss. In this command

  • hh are hours
  • mm are minutes
  • ss are seconds

hhmmss can be specified fully (6 digits) or partially (for example, hhmm, hmm, hh, or h). Control-O deciphers the number specified by breaking it into groups of two digits from right to left.




LO 114045

The Automation Log display starts from records produced at or after 11:40 a.m. and 45 seconds.

LO 123000/
LO 1230

The Automation Log display starts from records produced at or after 12:30 p.m.

LO 100000/
LO 1000/
LO 10

The Automation Log display starts from records produced at or after 10:00 a.m.

LO 10000/
LO 100/

LO 01/
LO 1

The Automation Log display starts from records produced at or after 1:00 a.m.

If no specific time is entered, the first record displayed is the first record of the current day, for which the creation time is 0.


The TRACE command (abbreviated T) alternately hides or displays the trace of Control-O rules while displaying the rest of the Automation Log.


The TRACE ONLY command (abbreviated T ON) displays only trace records. To reset the switch so that all records of the Automation Log are displayed, specify the TRACE (T) command following T ON.


The WRAP command causes the message text field information to be alternately wrapped or not wrapped to the next lines. Text which is not wrapped can be viewed by using the scroll right PFKey (PF11/PF23).


The SWAP command is used to view one of the following:

  • a previous version of the Automation Log (DSN) on the current system that was backed up using the CTOALOCP utility
  • the default operational Automation Log of another system, where the IOA installation on the specified system is the same as the IOA installation for the current system
    This is valid only in a shared DASD environment, where the Automation Log file from different systems is accessible.

Valid formats are:

  • SWAP — displays the Swap Option window, which is shown in Figure 40.
    This window is used to specify the Automation Log to be viewed.

    In the Swap Option window, enter one of the following:

    — the name of the Automation Log (DSN) on the current system you want to view

    — the SMF ID for the default operational Automation Log you want to view (from 1 through 4 characters only)

    — a blank value to view the default operational Automation Log for the current system

  • SWAP DSN=dsn_name — displays the Automation Log specified
    dsn_name is a valid Automation Log (DSN) name.
  • SWAP SMF=smf_id — displays the default operational Automation Log of the SMF  ID specified
    smf_id is a valid SMF ID.


The OPER command displays the MVS Operlog. This command is valid only when working in a Sysplex environment. Messages in the Operlog are displayed in the same format as the Control-O Automation log, and most commands and display types available in the Automation log are available while displaying the Operlog messages. For more information, see MVS Operlog Display.


The / command, or the MVSCMD command, which is the alias for the / command, enable the operator to issue MVS operator commands, or VM commands if MVS is operating under VM, from non-console terminals.

Valid formats are:

  • / or MVSCMD — Displays a window which allows you to enter the MVS or VM command.
  • / mvs_command or MVSCMD mvs_command mvs_command is the text of the MVS or VM command to be issued. There is a space between the MVSCMD command and the command text.
  • // — Displays the Operator’s Menu screen that includes a list of preset operator commands.

This screen is also accessible using the OPERATOR option in the Control-O Automation Options Facility (OA) screen. For more information, see The OPERATOR Option.

To issue the MVS or VM command, enter command / or MVSCMD at the command prompt. The window shown in Figure 41 is displayed.

Do one of the following:

  • If you entered the / command or the MVSCMD command without the accompanying command text, specify the MVS or VM command in the CMD field of the window. Beginning with the first CMD field line, you can specify up to 44 characters in each of the two lines, as necessary. Press Enter. The command is executed, and the Operator Command screen, containing the results of the command execution, is displayed. The Operator Command screen is shown in Figure 42.
  • If you entered the / command or the MVSCMD command with the accompanying command text, the text appears in the CMD field. Press Enter. The command is executed, and the Operator Command screen, containing the results of the command execution, is displayed. The Operator Command screen is shown in Figure 42.

For information on using the Operator Command screen, refer to The OPERATOR Option.


Note: The / command or MVSCMD command uses the EMCS console to issue the MVS or VM command under your user ID. Another console may already be active under your user ID because you did one of the following:

  • You issued another MVS or VM command from SDSF under the same user ID.
  • You have previously activated a console using the Automation Opts (OA) CONSOLE option.

In either case, the console response may not be displayed in the Operator Command screen. In all cases, however, the response is displayed in the Automation Log screen.

Figure 40 Automation Log Screen SWAP Option Window

FILTER:            ----------> AUTOMATION LOG SMF=OS35 <--------< D >------(OL)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 120900 - 120900

DATE   TIME   JOBNAME   ------------------ M E S S A G E ----------------------

120900 151928 A60AS     -A60AS    JOB SERVICE TOTALS        1589       03.63  

120900 151928 INIT      ICH70001I M26C     LAST ACCESS AT 14:38:27 ON TUESDAY,

120900 151928 A60AS     $HASP395 A60AS    ENDED                              

120900 151929 Esssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss+

120900 151929 ×                                                               |

120900 151929 ×   DSN or SMF s>                                               |

120900 151929 ×                                                               |

120900 151929 Dsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss+

120900 151930 N86       -                                        CPU (TOTAL)  

120900 151930 N86       -JOBNAME  STEPNAME PROCSTEP    RC    I/O HH:MM:SS.TH  

120900 151931 N86       -N86      NONCAT2  CONTROLR    00    157       00.15  

120900 151931 N86       -N86      STEP1                00      0       00.02  

120900 151931 N86       IEF404I N86 - ENDED - TIME=15.19.31                  

120900 151931 N86       -                                                     

120900 151931 N86       -N86      JOB SERVICE TOTALS         157       00.17  

120900 151931 N86       $HASP395 N86      ENDED                              

120900 151931 A60GATEW  -                                        CPU (TOTAL)  


120900 151931 A60GATEW  -A60GATEW IOAGATE  GATEWAY     00   1866       02.97  


Figure 41 Automation Log Screen MVS Command Window

FILTER:            ------------- AUTOMATION LOG  --------------< D >-------(OL)

COMMAND ===>                                                         L===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 140800 - 140800

DATE   TIME   JOBNAME   ------------------ M E S S A G E ----------------------


140800 162224 V51GATE   ECAPUT: USER N16      ASSIGNED TO ASID 01. SIID 162439

140800 162224 D51AS     CTDS15I USER N16      LOGGED IN                       

140800 162228 D51   +---------------------------------------------------------+

140800 162229 K26   |                                                         |

140800 162231 D51   |  CMD -->                                                |

140800 162232 M52   |      -->                                                |

140800 162232 M52   |                                                         |

140800 162232 M52   +---------------------------------------------------------+


140800 162234 M52       IEA631I  OPERATOR M52      NOW INACTIVE, SYSTEM=OS35  


140800 162236 N03COMP   STEP LINKEDIT FOR  FRECMC   RC <= 0 .... OK      SYS=V


140800 162237 N03COMP   +EXT3MSG:     ENVIRONMENT=IOA500   V504     IOA      L

140800 162238 D51AS     CTDS16I USER N16      LOGGED OUT. USED CPU TIME     0.

140800 162239 M52       IEA630I  OPERATOR M52      NOW ACTIVE,   SYSTEM=OS35  

140800 162239 M52                                                            

140800 162239 M52       IEE305I          COMMAND INVALID                     


Figure 42 Operator Command Screen

---------< D >---------  CONTROL-O - Operator Command --------------------(OA)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> HALF

                          CONSOLE RESPONSE

---> D T

IEE136I LOCAL: TIME=08.48.25 DATE=2000.022  GMT: TIME=06.48.25 DATE=2000.022

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE ENTRIES IN THE LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
















CMDS: SHPF, REFRESH(ENTER-KEY)                                        08.52.42

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Automation Log Screen