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Show Option Window

The Show Option window is shown in Figure 31. It enables you to specify criteria to determine which messages and commands are included in the statistics display. To open the window, type SHOW in the COMMAND field of the Message Statistics screen, or press PF02/PF14. Make the desired changes in the Show Option window, and press Enter.

Figure 31 Message and Statistics Screen Show Option Window

------------- CONTROL-O MESSAGE STATISTICS FROM 12/12/00 11:12:51 ---------(OM)

COMMAND ===>                     +--------------------------------------------+

MSG  659,035  CMD    1,714  HAN  |       PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION            |

O ID        TYP    COUNT   HAND  |                                            |

  $HASP000   M    26,347    26,  |  MSGID                                     |

  $HASP317   M    19,556    19,  |  TEXT                                      |

  $HASP250   M    17,091    17,  |                                            |

  ICH7001I   M    17,004    17,  |  COUNT FROM           TO                   |

  $HASP100   M    16,568    16,  |                                            |

  $HASP373   M    12,995    12,  |  COMMANDS        Y | MESSAGES           Y  |

  $HASP395   M    12,992    12,  |  SHOWN           N | EXCLUDED           Y  |

  IEF403I    M    12,991    12,  |    ------------------------------------    |

  IEF404I    M    12,990    12,  |  HANDLED         N | NOT HANDLED        N  |

  $HASP309   M    12,802    12,  |  SUPPRESSED      N | NOT SUPPRESSED     N  |

  IEF125I    M     3,430     3,  |                                            |

  IEF667I    M     3,421     3,  +--------------------------------------------+

  IEF126I    M     3,284     3,

  IEF234E    M     2,725     2,725         0  IEF234E K 481,994631,PVT,T15MALL

  IEF233A    M     2,499     2,499         0  IEF233A M 480,015537,,PRGPL27A,C

  $HASP688   M     1,683     1,683       906  $HASP688 T92PRNTS OUTGRP=1.1.1

  $HASP608   M     1,527         0         0  $HASP608 T02KPL91 EXECUTING A PR

  IEC705I    M     1,525     1,525         0  IEC705I TAPE ON 480,014901,SL,62

  IEE600I    M     1,504     1,504     1,009  IEE600I REPLY TO 72 IS; NOHOLD

OPTIONS:  S SHOW  X EXCLUDE  R RESET                                   14.29.51

The selection criteria that are available are shown in Table 46.

Note: Selection criteria marked with the symbol P act on a prefix basis.

Table 46 Show Option Selection Criteria




Includes only messages and commands with the indicated IDs. Masking characters * and ? are supported. Up to three values can be specified.


Includes only messages and commands which match a specified string. The * (asterisk) and ? (question mark) masking characters are supported.

If both MSGID and TEXT values are specified, only messages that meet criteria for both are included.


Includes only messages and commands whose COUNT values are within a specified range. FROM and TO values specify lower and upper limits, respectively. An unspecified value indicates no limit.


Whether to display messages. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages are displayed.


Whether to display commands. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Commands are displayed.
  • N (No) — Commands are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has been specified. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has been specified are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has been specified are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has not been specified. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Non-excluded messages and commands (that is, messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has not been specified) are displayed.
  • N (No) — Non-excluded messages and commands (that is, messages and commands for which the X (Exclude) option has not been specified) are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands with a non-zero HANDLED field. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages and commands with a non-zero HANDLED field are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages and commands whose HANDLED field is non-zero are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands with a zero HANDLED field. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages and commands with a zero HANDLED field are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages and commands with a zero HANDLED field are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands with a non-zero SUPPRESSED field. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages and commands with a non-zero SUPPRESSED field are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages and commands with a non-zero SUPPRESSED field are not displayed.


Whether to display messages and commands with a zero SUPPRESSED field. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) — Messages and commands with a zero SUPPRESSED field are displayed.
  • N (No) — Messages and commands with a zero SUPPRESSED field are not displayed.

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Message Statistics Screen