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Commands of the Message Statistics Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the Message Statistics screen:

Table 45 Commands of the Message Statistics Screen




The REDATE command (PF14) alternates between display of message text and display of the reset date and time, in the TEXT field of messages which have been locally reset.


The WRAP command modifies the display so that TEXT field information is alternately wrapped or not wrapped around to the next lines. Text that is not wrapped around to the next line can be viewed by using the RIGHT command (PF11/PF23) if necessary.


The REFRESH command (PF16) refreshes the display with the most currently available statistics.

Note: Changes requested of the Control-O monitor (such as EXCLUDE and RESET, which are described later in this chapter) are not reflected after a REFRESH until the Control-O monitor has processed the request.

For more information on EXCLUDE, see "X (EXCLUDE)" in Options of the Message Statistics Screen. For more information on RESET, see "R (RESET)" in Options of the Message Statistics Screen.


The SORT command (PF04/PF16) alternately switches the sort order of the displayed messages or commands using the following formats:

  • SORT ON COUNT — Sort according to the value in the COUNT field. The highest value is displayed first. Default.
  • SORT ON ID — Sort alphabetically according to the value in the ID field.


The SHOW command (PF02/PF14) opens the Show Option window, which is used to specify Show criteria, that is, to determine which records are shown in the Message Statistics screen.

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Message Statistics Screen