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CTJAPI macro keywords and program requirements

The CTJAPI macro is the interface service API for Control-M JCL Verify. It allows the user to define the communication block and call CTJAPI to perform the requests.

The macro automatically changes keywords that must be in uppercase. For example, jobname is changed to JOBNAME.

Examples of the CTJAPI macro for verification, reformat, or enforcement are shown in Fig.JV.8.1 or Fig.JV.8.2 respectively and the macro keywords are described in the table Tab.JV.8.1.

Note that the program must be defined as AMODE31 and RMODE31.

When assembling the program, the IOA MAC library must be concatenated to SYSLIB.

The program must be link-edited as non-authorized, AMODE(31).

The following DD must be available when executing the program:


//         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ilprefa.IOAENV

Examples of programs that use the CTJAPI macro can be found at the end of this chapter and in the CTJAPIA member in the IOA.SAMPLE library.

Tab.JV.8.1 Macro keywords




Positional parameter that describes the required service. There are no defaults. Mandatory. Valid values:

  • INIT - Initializes the Control-M JCL Verify environment. See notes above.

When Func is INIT, the block is reformatted and the fields, if not set, will contain X'00'.

When a keyword is not used, the macro does not change the related field. The defaults from CTJPARM member will be used.

  • SCAN - performs JCL validation
  • END - performs cleanup when terminating the interface. See note in JMSG
  • APID - generates the API Communication Area DSECT. It can also be specified as a positional parameter (CTJAPI APID)
  • ENF - performs enforcement
  • REF - performs reformatting
  • ENFREF - performs both enforcement and reformatting


Defines the CTJAPI block as a DSECT. Valid values:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No


Whether to verify file access privileges. Valid values:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the DSNACCSS parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


Whether to perform dataset verification. The dataset is verified whether it is cataloged and whether it is in the volume as specified in the DD statement or in the catalog. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • S - exclude SPACE check
  • U - perform file validation, without issuing any relevant messages, recommended for use with the Utility validation (UT=Y)
  • D - as Defined by the DSNEXIST parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


Whether to resolve Control-M AutoEdit variables in the job. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes.
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the CTMVARS parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


Whether to use the Control-M JCL Verify rules to verify site standards. Valid values:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the STDR parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


Whether to use, in addition to the GENERAL rules, rules that are defined for specific environments for the site standard verifications. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - empty - only GENERAL rules are used. Default


Address of a 4-byte field containing the number of JCL statements passed to CTJAPI, in binary format (DS F).


Address of buffer containing the JOB to be verified.

Note: Only one job can be verified. In case the buffer contains more than one job only the first job will be handled.


Whether to verify that the JES2 or JES3 statements are correct. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the JESTTMNT parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


Get the Control-M JCL Verify messages for the job from the message buffer. For verification, specify Y. For enforcement/reformatting, to perform SAV=Y, specify JMSG=N. See Tab.JV.8.2 "ENF and REF parameters" below. Valid values:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No

After the scan is completed the following fields are set:

  • JAPIJMSG@ - address of message buffer. The address of the buffer is above the BAR, meaning that the address is to a double-word address area.
  • JAPIJMSG# - number of messages in buffer
  • JAPIJMSGT – TCB token used to free the buffer

Each message is 256 bytes long. The actual text starts in position 3 and is 132 bytes long.

Note: The calling program is responsible for releasing the message buffer.


Address of a 44-byte field containing the DSNAME of a library containing the JCL member(s) to be verified. Mandatory.


Address of an 8-byte field containing the name of the member, or masking of the members (* or ?) to be verified. If * or null is specified then all members in the library will be verified.


MCT address. Mandatory. Valid values:

  • (R12) - Default
  • =0 - MCT field is set to 0 and the API module will initialize the IOA environment
  • Null - the MCT field will not be changed
  • address of MCT block
  • (Rx) - address of MCT block in any register 2 to 12


Module existence. The module in EXEC PGM=module_name is existence is verified.

  • If the PGM is not found, a warning message will be issued.
  • If the PGM is found, an information message that contains from where the PGM (DD name or LINKLIST and library name)

Valid values:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the PGMCHECK parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


The minimum level of message severity to be issued. Valid values are:

  • I - Information - all messages are issued.
  • W - Warning messages and errors are issued.
  • E - only Error messages are issued
  • D - as Defined by the MSGLEVEL parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default

Note: JMSG=Y all messages will be available


Label of CTJAPI communication block. Mandatory. Valid values:

  • APID - the default name when creating a CTJAPI block using: CTJAPI APID


Address of an 8-byte field containing the user ID to be used in the file access privileges (FA) verifications. Valid values are:

  • user_ID
  • *DEFAULT - use the default user ID (either the user invoking the CTJVER utility, or in the case of a Control-M job definition, the Control-M owner - as specified in the OWNER field in the job definition)

The USER is used in all the statements that follows it until a new USER is specified). If the USER statement is omitted, then USER=*DEFAULT.

Note: If the JOB statement contains USER=, then this user is used.


Whether to verify the syntax of the IBM utilities (for details, see JCL and syntax verification) and the DB2 related validation.

Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No
  • D - as Defined by the SUPUTIL parameter in the CTJPARM member. Default


  • If the existence and the attributes of the datasets used in the IBM utilities must be verified, set FV=Y or FV=U, as described above in this table for the FV parameter.
  • DB2 validation requires additional steps. See the "Enabling DB2 Support" section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Address of a 6-byte field containing the Control-M Order Date, in character format. The user can change the date. If it is left blank, the default is the current date. The format of it is: YYMMDD

ODATE is used during Control-M AutoEdit variable resolution.


Used for remote processing. Address of an 8-byte field containing NODE name of IOAGATE running on a remote sysplex. For more details, see Tab.JV.3.1 CTJMON routing parameters in Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted.


Used for remote processing. Address of an 8-byte field containing the QNAME of a CTJMON running on the target sysplex.

For more details, see Tab.JV.3.1 CTJMON routing parameters in Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted.


Used for remote processing. Address of an 8-byte field containing the MVS system name of the target system in the target SYSPLEX.

For more details, see Tab.JV.3.1 CTJMON routing parameters in Defining the target CTJMON where the processing will be submitted.


Specifies whether Auto Routing will be enabled (Y) or not (N) or

whether the default (D) (AROUTE parameter in CTJPARM) Auto Routing will be used.


Specifies whether conditional dataset allocation verification feature will be used. Valid values: Y | N | D (D=use CNDALC setting in CTJPARM).


Address of an 8-byte field containing the name of a predefined DD card from which the procedures are resolved when the JCLs are verified. For example, PROC01.

The DD card must be predefined in JES PROCLIB or in the CTJPRC member and will be the only procedure library searched.

For more information, see JES2/3 Predefined PROCLIBs.


Address of an 8-byte field containing the identifier of statements in the CTJLINK member which define load module libraries to be searched during program existence check. See CTJLINK – User link libraries for program existence check.

The Control-M JCL Verify Application Program Interface provides the ENF function for enforcement, the REF function for reformatting, or the ENFREF function for both. Additional parameters are listed in the following table.

These functions are invoked by specifying FUNC=ENF, FUNC=REF, or FUNC=ENFREF.

Tab.JV.8.2 ENF and REF parameters




Whether to resolve Control-M AutoEdit variables. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes
  • N - No. Default


Address of a 44-byte field which specifies the library where the JCL is located. Mandatory.


Address of an 8-byte field which specifies the member where the JCL is located. Optional. Supports masking (* and ?).


Name of the remote verification node. See Tab.JV.8.1 "Macro keywords" above.


Remote MVS system name. See Tab.JV.8.1 "Macro keywords" above.


CTJMON QNAME. See Tab.JV.8.1 "Macro keywords" above.


Whether to override the existing member. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes. You must also specify JMSG=N,SAV=Y.
  • N - No. Default


Whether to save changed JCL. Valid values are:

  • Y - Yes. You must also specify JMSG=N.
  • N - No. Default


Whether to return the message buffer. IF SAV=Y is specified then JMSG=N must be specified.


Address of an 8-byte field which specifies the library where the JCL will be saved.


Address of an 8-byte field which specifies the member where the JCL will be saved. Optional. (Applicable for one member only).

Parent Topic

The Control-M JCL Verify Application Program Interface (API)