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Control-M JCL Verify Facility (JV screen)

To verify, reformat, or enforce job members

  1. Enter JV in the option line of the IOA Primary Option Menu.

    The Control-M JCL Verify Facility - Entry Panel opens (see the following figure).

  2. In the LIBRARY field, enter the name of the library where the job members you want to verify, reformat, or enforce are located.
  3. In the MEMBER field, enter one of the options, described in the table below, to indicate which job members you want to process, or leave the field blank for displaying the list of members, as shown in the figure following the table.

    Fig.JV.6.4 Control-M JCL Verify FACILITY - ENTRY PANEL

    Tab.JV.6.3 CTJVER options for MEMBER field

    Enter a...

    To perform...


    to open a list of all the job members in the specified library (Start the job verification by entering E or S in the OPT column next to the job member name. Note: E or S produce the same results. Start the reformatting process by entering R. Start the enforcement process by entering F.)


    to process all the job members in the specified library


    to specify a mask for processing a group of job members


    to specify the name of the job member to be processed

    Fig.JV.6.5 Control-M JCL Verify FACILITY - Members list

  4. In the OPT column next to the name of a member, type S or E to verify the member, R to reformat the member, and F to enforce the member.
  5. Press ENTER.

    A report is displayed, consisting of the JCL statements with the Control-M JCL Verify informative, warning, and error report messages appearing where applicable. To save the changed JCL, use the appropriate ISPF command.

    If the return code is greater than 04, reformatting and enforcement will not be performed. All the error messages and the rule's DO MSGs will be displayed at the beginning of the JCL.

Parent Topic

Online JCL processing from IOA and Control-M interfaces