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CTJVER Example 5

The following example shows a CTJVER output report for a job, which if submitted, would be rejected by the system because of a JCL error.

When a JCL error is found, Control-M JCL Verify does not perform the second verification phase because the input might be invalid. The following figure shows the job that is to be verified.

Figure JV11 Verified job - Sample01 - Example 5





The following figure shows the job that performs the verification.

Figure JV12 CTJVER utility - Example 5


//             NOTIFY=&SYSUID




//SYSIN    DD   *



As shown in the following figure, IBM informational messages, usually starting with an IEFC prefix, are displayed similar to how they appear in the JOB JESJCL output. Control-M JCL Verify marks the IBM messages with JCLERR> at the beginning of the line.

If the job has a JCL error, or contains any error that requires changing the JCL statements, the validation ends with return code (RC) 8.

Figure JV13 CTJVER utility - SYSPRINT - Example 5



CTJ002I Start processing member JCLERR   DSNAME CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES


                 1 //JCLERROR JOB ,BR14,MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=N18A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)

                 2 //S1       EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,COND=NEVER

                 3 //DSNM    DD DISP=SHR,DSM=CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES(JCLERR)


                 4 //DISP=   DD SPACE=(TRK,1),DSN=N18.SYSTEM.NO.OS35


                 5 //

CTJ009I Processing ended RC=0008 for job JCLERROR  member JCLERR

CTJ003I Processing ended RC=0008 REASON 00000000 member JCLERR DSNAME CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES

CTJU02I Control-M/JCL Verify Utility ended. RC=0008

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CTJVER Examples