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CTJVER Example 4

The following example shows a CTJVER output report for a job with Control-M JCL Verify messages.

The following figure shows the job that is to be verified.

Figure JV8 Verified job - Sample00 - Example 4





The following figure shows the job that performs the verification.

Figure JV9 CTJVER utility - Example 4


//             NOTIFY=&SYSUID




//SYSIN    DD   *



The CTJVER utility output report, shown in the following figure, includes various messages. To simplify the reading and interpretation of the messages, Control-M JCL Verify combines the messages that are issued by the system in the JESYSMSG member with the JCL statements.

The CTJVER utility output report includes CTJVER batch utility messages, which are indicated by a CTJU prefix. The first CTJU01I message displays the CTJVER PROCEDURE parameters, which in this example are specified as defined in CTJPARM. The other CTJU01I messages are input statement echo messages.

The normal JCL statements are displayed similar to how they appear in the JOB JESJCL output.

The user set the ME (Module Existence) option to the default value by setting the PGMCHECK parameter to Y in the CTJPARM member. As a result, the CTJP0GI message is displayed. The message indicates that the IEFBR14 load module exists in SYS1.LINKLIB, one of the LINKLIST libraries.

The CTJ009I message is issued for each processed job. For members with multiple jobs, the message is displayed after each job.

The CTJ003I message is issued for each control statement.

If no warning or error messages are issued, the validation ends with return code (RC) zero.

Figure JV10 CTJVER utility - SYSPRINT - Example 4



CTJ002I Start processing member IEFBR14 DSNAME CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES

CTJ008I Start verifying JOB IEFBR14 MEMBER IEFBR14

                 1 //IEFBR14 JOB ,BR14,MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=N18A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)

                 2 //S1       EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,COND=EVEN


                 3 //NEWTEMP DD SPACE=(TRK,1),DSN=NEW.FILE.NO.DISP

                 4 //FILEOK  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES

                 5 //

CTJ009I Processing ended RC=0000 for job IEFBR14   member IEFBR14

CTJ003I Processing ended RC=0000 REASON 00000000 member IEFBR14 DSNAME CTJP.V900.JCL.SAMPLES

CTJU02I Control-M/JCL Verify Utility ended. RC=0000

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CTJVER Examples