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M2: Perform an AutoEdit Simulation

This utility checks AutoEdit control statement syntax in jobs. It is essential that the syntax of AutoEdit control statements be checked while the member is being prepared. Otherwise, Control-M may detect an AutoEdit syntax error during job submission in the production environment and cancel the submission.

The utility can be initiated either online (through this screen) or by batch procedure CTMAESIM. For more information, see Testing AutoEdit Syntax.

To activate the utility online, display the utility screen in either of the following ways:

Note: By default, the utility allocates several files with the TSO user ID as the file name prefix. To change this, activate CLIST from the TSO Command Processor as follows: TSO CTMCAES PREFX(alternate-prefix)

The CTMCAES utility can operate in either JCL library mode or scheduling library mode:

Note: Started tasks (STCs) are not supported in scheduling library mode.

This facility simulates the actions of the Control-M submission mechanism and produces a printed report of the process.

The output of the simulation process is a standard print file containing

Note: During AutoEdit simulation, some variables may not contain valid or expected values. For example, %%$RBC is always blank and %%ORDERID is ZZZZZ.

Figure 112 Control-M AutoEdit Simulation Screen

------------------- PERFORM CONTROL-M AUTOEDIT SIMULATION --------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                              




JCL LIBRARY MODE:                                                         

    JCL LIBRARY             ===> CTM.PROD.JCL                             

    MEMBER NAME             ===> BRCCIND                                  

    OWNER                   ===> M21                                      

    APPLICATION NAME        ===>                                          

    GROUP NAME              ===>                                          

    RBC NAME                ===>                                          


SCHEDULING LIBRARY MODE:                                                  

    SCHEDULING LIBRARY      ===>                                          

    TABLE NAME              ===>                                          

    JOB NAME                ===>                                          


PARAMETER LIBRARY    ===> CTMP.PROD.PARM                                  

WDATE                       ===> 06 06 01     (DD MM YY)                  

ODATE                       ===> 06 06 01     (DD MM YY)                  

FUNCTION                    ===> LIST         (LIST/SUBSCAN/SUBMIT)       


Enter YES to continue       ===>                                          

The submission simulation utilizes control statements that are written to DD statement DASIM. These control statements are based on the parameters described below.

Depending on the mode in which the utility operates, either JCL library mode or scheduling library mode parameters (but not both) must be specified. In addition, General simulation parameters must also be specified.

To activate the utility, fill in the parameters and press Enter.

Parent Topic

Utilities Under ISPF