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Testing AutoEdit Syntax

When Control-M detects an AutoEdit syntax error in a JCL member during submission, the submission is canceled by Control-M. Therefore, it is essential to check the syntax of AutoEdit statements while the member is being prepared.

Furthermore, when the syntax is correct, you may want to verify that the AutoEdit statements return the desired results. For example, you may want to check that you specified the correct AutoEdit date variables for a job that performs end-of-year processing.

The CTMAESIM utility tests AutoEdit syntax and JCL setup. This utility simulates the actions of the Control-M submission mechanism, which performs AutoEdit processing and JCL setup, and produces a printed report of the process.

Control-M has a customized interface with the JOB/SCAN and PRO/JCL products. However, this utility can be used with any JCL-checking product.

The CTMAESIM utility can operate in either JCL Library mode or Scheduling Library mode:

The utility enables system programmers to check the operation of Control-M submission exit CTMX002 without affecting production.

The CTMAESIM utility can be activated by a batch procedure or the Online facility, as follows:

The utility requires specification of various parameter statements that determine how the simulation works, and which provide necessary information for the simulation.

Although the simulation works in much the same manner whether activated by a batch procedure or online, the following differences depend on the method of activation:

In addition, depending on the command type specified in a parameter statement, the resulting JCL lines can also be written to the output file referenced by the DASUBMIT DD statement.

When the JCL is written to the output file referenced by the DASUBMIT DD statement, the output file can be routed to an internal reader by specifying the parameter RDR=INTRDR in the EXEC statement. In this case, the DASUBMIT DD statement is allocated as SYSOUT=(class,INTRDR) and the job is submitted.

Submission of the job enables the JCL to be checked by the JCL checking mechanism of MVS.

Note: A DASUBMIT DD statement can also be used by the AutoEdit Simulation facility to submit jobs for execution in emergency situations (for example, the Control-M monitor is inoperative due to a severe technical problem).

When activated using ISPF, the functioning of the utility is similar to its functioning when activated from batch with the parameter RDR=INTRDR specified.

The CTMAESIM utility, as activated from the Online facility, is described in Online Facilities. The CTMAESIM utility, as activated through a batch procedure, is described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Parent Topic

JCL and AutoEdit Facility