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Performing Operations on CMEM Tables and Rules

Many operations can be performed on CMEM rule tables and on the rules contained within them. These operations are performed through commands and options in the various screens of the CMEM Rule Definition facility.

Below is a brief summary of some of the major operations possible in the facility. Options and commands that have not yet been explained are explained in detail following the summary.

Accessing (Editing or Browsing) a Table and its Rules

A table (actually, the rules in the table) can be browsed or edited.

When browsed, the table cannot be modified or updated. When the table is edited, new rules may be added and existing rules may be modified or deleted.

Browsing, however, has advantages:

To browse a table, and its rule list and the rules it contains, use the BROWSE option in the Table List screen.

Typing the table name in the entry panel or using the SELECT option in the Table List screen provides edit access.

Depending on user profile definitions, if the table requested for editing is in use, either access is granted in Browse mode or access is not granted.

Deleting a Table or a Rule

Unneeded rules can be deleted by the DELETE option in the Rule List screen, described in Options of the Rule List Screen. Unneeded tables can be deleted by the DELETE option in the Table List screen, described in Deleting Tables.

Ordering Rule Tables

Rule tables are ordered by option ORDER or FORCE in the Table List screen, discussed in Ordering CMEM Rule Tables.

Saving Modifications

All changes made to a table and its rules are kept in memory until the table is exited. Upon exiting the table, you may choose to save or cancel the changes, as described in Exiting the CMEM Rule Definition Facility.

Parent Topic

CMEM Rule Definition Facility