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Deleting Tables

Tables can be deleted from the Table List screen.

To delete tables, type D (Delete) by the table names in the Table List screen and press Enter.

The confirmation window illustrated below is displayed, in sequence, for each table selected for deletion.

Figure 33 Delete Table Confirmation Window

LIST OF TABLES IN CTM.PROD.SCHEDULE                            -------------(2)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

 OPT  NAME ---               +--------------------------+ E  INIT   MOD   ID

      ADABAS                 |   CONFIRM DELETE OPTION  | 0    70     0 O01

  D   APPLNTN    <-----------|               (Y/N)      | 0   180     0 O01

      APPLPRDI               +--------------------------+ 1    41     0 O01

      ARCNIGHT          01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07

      ASMBTR1           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     9     9     0 S07

  D   ASMBTR2           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    14    14     0 S07

      BACKUP            01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07

      CICSJOBS          01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    70    70     0 O01

      CICSPROD          01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50   180   180     0 O01

      CICSTEST          01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    41    41     0 O01

      CICSUPT           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07

      CLIENTS           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     9     9     0 S07

      DB2EXE            01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    14    14     0 S07

      DLOAD             01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07

      MAINDAY           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50   180   180     0 O01

      MAINT             01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    41    41     0 O01

      MAINTPL           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07

      ONSPOOL           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     9     9     0 S07

  D   ONSPOOLT          01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50    14    14     0 S07

      OPERCLN           01.00 01/02/09 01/06/07 00:50     5     5     0 S07


Type Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the delete request.

Type N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.

A message is written to the IOA Log file for each table deleted.

Note: If PDSMAN is operational at your site, $$$SPACE members are not deleted.

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Scheduling Definition Facility