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The Why Screen Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND Confirmation Window

When adding conditions or deleting NOT-COND conditions, a confirmation window may be displayed depending on user profile customization:

------------------------ WRUPDT02 SCHEDULING ANALYSIS --------------------(3.?)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

OPT DESCRIPTION                                     +-------------------------+

                                                    |  CONFIRM     MMDD 0606  |

 A  CONDITION  PROD-WRUPDT03-GO            <--------|  ASK FOR EACH ONE Y     |

 A  CONDITION  PROD-WRUPDT03-CHECK                  +-------------------------+

 D  NOT-COND   PRPLDT03-ENDED-NOTOK                          ODATE  0606       

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        END OF "WHY" LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
















OPTION:  A ADD CONDITION  D DELETE NOT-COND                            18.15.36

Fill in or modify the fields of the confirmation window as follows and press Enter.

Table 71 Fields of the Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND Confirmation Window




Confirms whether to process the Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Process the Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request.
  • N (No) – Cancel the request.


Date of the listed condition.

  • If the date reference of the listed condition contains **** or $$$$, the date field of the window is unprotected and you must explicitly enter the date in the date field.
  • If the date reference of the listed condition is a specific date (in either mmdd or ddmm format, depending on the standard in use at the site), the date field of the window is protected and its value cannot be changed.


This line is displayed only if more than one Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND is requested. It determines whether individual confirmation is required for each Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Individual confirmation is required for each Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request. The specified CONFIRM value (Y or N) applies only to the current Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request.
  • N (No) – Individual confirmation is not required for each Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND request. The specified CONFIRM operation is applied to all Add Condition and Delete NOT-COND requests. (If CONFIRM is Y, all Add Condition and Delete NOT-COND requests are processed; if CONFIRM is N, no Add Condition or Delete NOT-COND requests are processed.)

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