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Fields of the Show Screen Filter Window

The Show Screen Filter window contains the following fields:

Table 63 Fields of the Show Screen Filter Window




User-assigned name of the filter.

The name entered in the Filter field may be modified.

If there are unsaved changes to a filter in memory (discussed in Closing the Show Screen Filter window), an asterisk appears to the right of the filter name.

Save (Y/N)

Specifies whether to save modifications to the filter upon closing the window.


User-defined description of the filter. The description entered here appears next to the name in the Display Filters window.

The fields listed in Table 64 define the selection criteria to be applied to the screen. Fill in these selection criteria as desired.

Note: The selection criteria shown in Table 64 marked with the symbol P support masking. For more information, see Character Masking.

For compatibility with versions prior to version 6.2.xx, the SACTMSK profile variable can be used to specify how to treat character search criteria that do not use masking characters. The default setting (Y) results in Control-M treating all character search criteria as if a masking character was entered. For example, if AB was entered as a member name to be searched, by default this entry is treated as AB*.

Table 64 Show Screen Filter Window Selection Criteria




Show only jobs of the specified member name. A maximum of five member names may be specified.


Show only jobs of the specified table. A maximum of two tables may be specified.


Show only specified tables in the scheduling library. The scheduling library table name refers to the SCHDTAB field in the 3.Z screen. A maximum of two tables may be specified.

Note: For each table created in version 7.0 and later, the scheduling library table name is the same as the SMART Table name. However, in earlier versions, the scheduling library table name can be different than the SMART Table name, see General Information for MEMNAME.


Select only jobs that conform to the status selection criteria. Statuses are divided into three groups under the following headings: In Process, Ended, and State.

The following logic applies to these headings:

  • Typing Y in the column heading enables further filtering of jobs on a status-by-status basis. Typing Y in a field in this column enables all jobs with this status to be shown, while typing N in a field in this column prevents jobs with this status from being shown.
  • Typing N in the column heading filters out any job with a status listed under that heading, even if the status is marked Y or S.

The following logic applies to the fields under these headings:

  • N/Y – If all status selection criteria are set to Y, all jobs and tables are displayed. Specifying a value of N for a specified status selection causes the tables and jobs for the specified status selection criteria not to be displayed. For example, if JCL Error is set to N, jobs that ended, or did not run, because of a JCL error are not displayed.

    Note that status selection criteria Y can be used to select jobs and tables on a very limited basis because of the interaction between different status selection criteria being set to Y.   For example, in order to select all executing Late jobs, you must specify Executing=Y, FREE=Y, and Late=Y. However, this will cause all executing jobs to be displayed–even those that are not late.

  • S – Select jobs to be displayed. Specifying a value of S for a specified status selection causes the tables and jobs for the specified status selection criteria to be displayed. Note that specifying a value of N for a specified status selection causes the tables and jobs for the specified status selection criteria not to be displayed. For example, to see only jobs and tables that are LATE and are executing, set LATE to S, set ENDED OK to N, set NOT OK to N, and set all other status selection criteria to Y.

status (continued)

In Process – This heading is for the status of jobs that are not yet finished.

Wait Sched

Jobs waiting to be scheduled

Wait Conf

Jobs waiting for confirmation

Wait Sub

Jobs waiting to be submitted


Jobs submitted but not yet in queue

Wait Exec

Jobs waiting to be executed


Jobs that are currently executing

On Out Queue

Jobs on the output queue that have not yet been processed by Control-M, for example, because of a system crash

Wait time

Jobs that were not submitted because the current time is outside the time limits specified in the job scheduling definition

Wait Cond

Jobs that are waiting for prerequisite conditions

Wait quant

Jobs that are waiting for Quantitative resources

Wait contrl

Jobs that are waiting for Control resources

Tbl Active

Tables that are active, meaning

  • all run time criteria of the table have been satisfied
  • at least one job in the table has not yet ended
  • no job in the table has ended NOTOK

Ended – This heading is for the status of finished jobs.

Ended "OK"

Jobs that ended OK

Not "OK"

Jobs that ended NOTOK


Jobs that require rerun


Jobs that disappeared from the job queue


Jobs that abended

Unexpected CC

Jobs that ended with a condition code that is not defined as OK

JCL Error

Jobs that ended (or did not run) because of a JCL error

status (continued)

State – This heading is for the state of jobs and tables.


Free jobs


Held jobs


Deleted jobs

On Request

Jobs for which a change in job status has been requested by a Control-M user, but the request has not yet been processed by the monitor


Jobs that were submitted, or finished executing, late; or jobs with an elapsed execution time outside specified limits


Jobs with prerequisite conditions that were adjusted as part of the "Adjust conditions in a table" feature

Forced OK

Jobs that ended OK due to a FORCE OK request

Tbl Held

Tables that were held

CMEM Force

Jobs that were forced by the CMEM facility


Jobs that contain a note that was added using the Zoom panel


Jobs that were restarted under Control-M/Restart

Task Type

Limit the task types of jobs to be displayed. Valid task types are:


Regular job


Cyclic job


Emergency job


Started task


Cyclic started task


Emergency started task


Emergency cyclic job


Emergency cyclic started task


Warnings. Supported for historical reasons


SMART Table Entity


Cyclic SMART Table

Res NameP

An additional cross reference for all jobs that are using a Control resource, Quantitative resource, or prerequisite condition. A maximum of two names may be specified. The resources and conditions are searched according to those specified as Y (Yes) in Resource Type (described immediately below).

Resource Type

Type of Resource or prerequisite condition to be used to filter the display of the Active Environment screen.


All prerequisite conditions appearing in IN statements


All prerequisite conditions appearing in OUT statements


All prerequisite conditions appearing in DO COND statements


All Quantitative resources


All Control resources


Show only jobs of the identified owner. A maximum of five owners may be identified.


Show only jobs whose original scheduling date falls within the range specified in the From and To fields.

Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy, or yymmdd, depending on the site standard.

If a From date is specified without a To date, the current date is used as the To date.


Show only jobs with the specified priority.


Show only jobs with the specified job name


Show only jobs with job scheduling definitions that contain the specified value of APPL


Show only jobs that ran under the specified CPU


Show only jobs that are running or ran in the specified logical partition


Shows only jobs that were ordered according to that RBC.


Show only jobs that are associated with a specific Workload Policy

Parent Topic

Active Environment Screen