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Editing Filter Criteria

The Show Screen Filter window enables you to create or modify a filter.

--------------------------- Show Screen Filter -----------------------(3.SHOW)-

Filter            Save   (Y/N) Desc:                                        



Sch Lib                                              Tbl                    

======== In Process Y ======= | Ended          Y | ======= State Y ========


Wait Sched   Y  Wait time   Y | Ended "OK"     Y | Free      Y  Forced OK Y

Wait Conf    Y  Wait Cond   Y | Not "OK"       Y | Held      Y  Tbl Held  Y

Wait SUB     Y  Wait quant  Y | Rerun          Y | On Req    Y  CMEM Forc Y

Submitted    Y  Wait contrl Y | Disappeared    Y | Deleted   N  Note      Y

Wait Exec    Y  Tbl Active  Y | Abended        Y | Late      N  Restarted Y

Executing    Y                | Unexpected CC  Y | Pseudo    N              

On Out Queue Y                | JCL Error      Y |                          

Task Type: Job Cyc Emr Stc Cst Est Ecj Ecs Wrn Tbl Tbc                      

             Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y                       

Res Name                                                                    

Resource Type: In Y Out Y Conds Y Resource Y Control Y                      


Odate:  From              To               Priority                         

Job                       Appl                                              

CPU Id           LPAR                           RBC                         



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