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Display Types of the Active Environment Screen

The information in the Active Environment screen can be displayed in different formats or display types. A number of predefined display types are available.

While in the Active Environment screen, the display type can be changed by the DISPLAY command. The DISPLAY command is described in Commands of the Active Environment Screen.

Table 52 Predefined Display Types




Default display type.


All info display type.


Network display type.


Flow rerun display type.


Table display type (same as display type D).

The INCONTROL administrator can use display type support to tailor the display layout by adding lines, fields, changing colors, and so on. Additional information about display type support is provided in the section on customizing IOA display format members in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Note: The $$ACTDOC member in the IOA MSG library contains information that is useful for customizing the Control-M Active Environment screen and creating and modifying display types for screens 3, 3.N, 3.G and the History Environment screen.

Upon reentering the screen, the last-used display type is displayed.

The Default and All Info predefined display types, and the fields they contain, are discussed in Format of the Active Environment Screen.

The Network display type, although available in this screen, is generally useful only in the Job Dependency Network screen, and is described in Job Dependency Network Screen.

Primary and Alternate Bottom Lines

The last two lines of the Active Environment screen are used to display the list of available commands and options.

Because there are too many commands and options to list at once, the list is divided into two parts, each part consisting of two lines, as follows:

To toggle back and forth between the two sets of bottom lines, type OPT in the COMMAND field and press Enter.

Available commands are described in Commands of the Active Environment Screen. Available options are described in Options of the Active Environment Screen.

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Active Environment Screen