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Selecting Dynamic Jobs

Entering the value S in the Dynamic SMART Table Insert field opens the Select SMART Table window (Figure 30).

Figure 30 Select SMART Table window

Filter:                 ------ CONTROL-M  Dynamic Ins Job/Tbl ------ UP  <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                       SCROLL===> CRSR

O NAME     Owner ----Odate    Jobname    JobID    Typ ----------- Status ---------

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>          Top    of   Jobs   List         <<<<<<<<<<< ====

  MEM1     CONTROLM  301104                       TBL Held (Ordering) Table=OPHIR3


  MEM1     CONTROLM  291104                       TBL Active Table=OPHIR3


  TBLADJUS K30       161204                       TBL Held (Ordering)

                                                      Table=TBL_WM3012 OrderID=000UN

  TBLADJUS K30       161204                       TBL Held (Ordering)

                                                      Table=TBL_WM3012 OrderID=000UQ

S - Select this table

To select the SMART Table Entity into which you force the job into the AJF, enter S on the relevant line.

Note: All other commands in this screen are invalid. Note that the status of the SMART Table may change as a result of adding the job to the SMART Table.

Parent Topic

Ordering Scheduling Jobs