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General Information for ON SYSOUT

The ON SYSOUT parameter enables you to specify DO statements that are to be performed if the SYSDATA of the job contains a specified string. For this purpose, the SYSDATA of the job means the data contained in the following sysout files:

If you know the location of the string, you can set values for the FROM and TO subparameters in order to restrict the search to a limited number of columns. This results in a more efficient search.

For a more advanced search, you can use the mask characters * and ? as described in Table 204.

Each ON SYSOUT line is checked against each line of the SYSDATA until a match is found or the end of the SYSDATA is reached. Each ON SYSOUT line is assigned a value of TRUE or FALSE.

Once the specified string is found, the following occurs:

ON SYSOUT IEF206I*STEP3                     FROM 001 TO 050    A/O


Control-M searches from Column 1 through Column 50 in each line for any string beginning IEF206I and ending STEP3.

ON SYSOUT Example 2

ON SYSOUT IEF206I*&*STEP3                  FROM 001 TO 050    A/O


Control-M searches from Column 1 through Column 50 in each line for any string beginning IEF206I and ending *STEP3.

ON SYSOUT Example 3

ON SYSOUT 'IEF206I STEP3'                  FROM 001 TO 050    A/O


The string IEF206I STEP3 contains a blank space, but is enclosed within quotation marks. Control-M searches for the string from Column 1 through Column 50 in each line.

Parent Topic

ON SYSOUT: Post–Processing Parameter