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General Information for DO REMFORCE

The DO REMFORCE statement schedules jobs under a remote Control-M even if the jobs are not normally scheduled on the specified date (according to the Basic Scheduling parameters of the job).

If the DO REMFORCE statement specifies a job name belonging to multiple jobs in the table, the first job in the table with that job name is forced.

For a list of valid Control-M server names for use in the CONTROL-M sub-parameter, open the Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM). Valid Control-M server names are displayed in the "Name" column for entries of Type ‘Control-M Server’.

To determine whether a particular datacenter is a mainframe (MF) or a distributed (DS) datacenter, select the entry and in the Properties pane, under the "More properties" section, read what is displayed by the "Operation system" heading. A mainframe datacenter is indicated by "z/OS". (Double clicking on the Control-M Server entry will also display the server definitions.)

In order to successfully execute a DO REMFORCE statement, the job’s OWNER must be defined in Control-M/EM.

When forcing all jobs in a table, the UFLOW subparameter enables you to determine whether the jobs are run as a unique flow.

Parent Topic

DO REMFORCE: Post–Processing Parameter