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DO REMFORCE: Post–Processing Parameter

Force one or more jobs under a remote Control-M with the capability of passing parameters to the target job(s).

Figure 203 DO REMFORCE Parameter Format

     DO REMFORCE    CONTROL-M   MPM900               UFLOW N DATE 251214  

 TABLE table_name                                                      

 JOB  jobname


 VAR  %%Var1=Value1

 VAR  %%Var2=Value2

Optional. Type REMFORCE in the DO field and press Enter. The DO REMFORCE subparameters are described in Table 184.

Table 184 DO REMFORCE Subparameter Formats




Name of the remote Control-M server.


Whether to force a unique job flow for the jobs in a table.

Relevant only when the JOB name is left blank.

A unique flow is not affected by conditions that might already exist as relationships between jobs in the AJF. This is accomplished by automatically adding unique suffixes (up to 3 characters long) to the new condition names.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Flow will be unique.
  • N – Flow will not be unique. Default.


6-character scheduling date for the jobs. Valid values are:

  • date – Specific date (in either mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd format, depending on the site standard).
  • ODAT – Inherit the original Control-M scheduling date of the job that issues the DO REMFORCE command. Default.
  • DATE – Resolves to the current system date.


Name of Control-M table. 64-character limit.


Job name. If this field is blank, all jobs in the specified table are forced. 64-character limit.


Name of the scheduling library containing the specified table. The library name may contain auto-edit variables.


Auto-edit local variable and its value. Global and pool variables are not supported as the variable names, but can be specified as part of the variable value.

Variable names are limited to 255-characters. A long variable name can continue on the following line. Long variable values up to 1024 characters are supported and can be continued on several lines.

Note: By default, lowercase text that you enter in any of the DO REMFORCE parameters is translated to uppercase text. To enable lowercase text, set SZUMLCM to Y. For more information about this IOA Profile variable, refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Parent Topic

Job Production Parameters