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Prerequisite Condition Dates

IN, OUT, and DO COND statements provide a field for specifying a date to accompany each prerequisite condition. An OUT or DO COND prerequisite condition that is added with a particular date cannot satisfy the same IN prerequisite condition if the IN statement specifies a different date.

Prerequisite Condition Dates Example

JOB_A and JOB_B each run daily, and JOB_B is dependent on JOB_A.

(JOB_A has prerequisite condition JOB_A_ENDED_OK as an OUT condition, and JOB_B has the same condition as an IN condition.)

The date associated with a condition is important because it is absolutely necessary that, on a given day, JOB_B not be triggered by an occurrence of the condition JOB_A_ENDED_OK from a previous day.

Certain Date keywords can be specified in place of, and resolve to, actual date values. For example, keyword ODAT is automatically replaced by the original scheduling date of the job.

Another important keyword for use in place of an actual date is STAT. STAT is used as a date reference for conditions that are static, that is, not date-dependent.

For example, condition IMS_ACTIVE is added when IMS is brought up, and only deleted if IMS is brought down. The date of the condition is irrelevant to jobs requiring that condition. Therefore, this condition would be referenced with a date value of STAT.

Note: Before STAT was introduced, date 0101 was recommended to be used in conditions that were not date-dependent. Unlike 0101, STAT is not a date, and it operates differently. Always use STAT when defining conditions that are not date-dependent.

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Prerequisite Conditions