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Simulation Parameters

There are two ways of setting parameters for the utility.

Parameters can be passed to the utility using the SIMPARM member in the Control-M PARM library. This member is referenced by the DASIMPRM DD statement in the Simulation procedure, if it is specified in option M3 (Prepare Simulation/Tape Pull List Job) of the Online Utilities.

Alternatively, parameters may be passed to the utility in-line, using the DASIMPRM (or SYSIN) DD statement.

Table 267 Parameters Passed to the Utility by DASIMPRM




Date and time at which the simulation must start, in yymmddhhmm format. Mandatory.


Date and time at which the simulation must end, in yymmddhhmm format. Mandatory.

Note: Ordinarily the interval between specified SIMSTART and SIMEND values should not exceed a 24 hour period because there is no mechanism to simulate New Day processing for the next day. However, it is possible to specify a larger interval if one is required to enable existing jobs to complete.


Simulation interval, in minutes. The simulation "clock" advances by the interval specified. The shorter the interval, the more accurate the simulation, but the longer the simulation takes to run. The specified interval must not exceed one working day. Mandatory.


For a job that has no execution statistics, this statement is used to indicate the expected execution time of the job. Optional.

If the simulation encounters a job without statistics and this statement is not supplied, a default execution time of three minutes is used.

The format of the NEWJOB parameter is as follows:

NEWJOB memname EXECTIME mmmm.xx [GROUP groupname][CPUID i]

The following subparameters can be specified:

  • memname – name of the member containing the JCL of the job. This value helps identify the job order in the Active Jobs file. Mandatory.
  • mmmm.xx – expected execution time, where mmmm is the number of minutes and xx is hundredths of minutes. This is the same format used in the sysout Log message of the job. Mandatory.
  • groupname – name of the group to which the job belongs. This value helps identify the job order in the Active Jobs file. Optional.
  • i – CPU ID. In a multiple CPU environment, the job can have different execution times on different CPUs. Therefore, it is useful to specify the expected elapsed time for each CPU on which the job may run. i must have the same value as $SIGN, which is described in "%%$SIGN" in Non-Date System Variables. Optional.


For a job with execution statistics, this statement can be used to override the statistically estimated execution time. For example, a longer execution time can be specified to test the effect of adding more input data to the job. Optional.

Format of the OLDJOB parameter is as follows:

OLDJOB memname EXECTIME mmmm.xx [GROUP groupname][CPUID i]

The same subparameters can be specified for the OLDJOB parameter as those for the NEWJOB parameter (in this table).




Add or delete a prerequisite condition of a specific ODATE (original scheduling date) at a specified simulation date and time.

The format of the ADD or DELETE parameter is as follows:

{ADD|DELETE} COND condname odate ONDAYTIME yymmddhhmm

The following subparameters can be specified:

  • ADD|DELETE – action to be performed. Mandatory.
  • condname – name of the condition to be added or deleted. Mandatory.
  • odate – original scheduling date associated with the condition. Mandatory.
  • yymmddhhmm – simulation date and time at which the condition must be added or deleted. Mandatory.


Change the quantity of a given resource at a specified simulation date and time.

Format of the CHANGE RESOURCE parameter is as follows:

CHANGE RESOURCE resname quantity ONDAYTIME yymmddhhmm

The following subparameters can be specified:

  • resname – name of the resource whose quantity is to be changed. Mandatory.
  • quantity – change in quantity for the resource. The quantity change can be specified in any of the following formats:

    nnnn – set the quantity to the specified value

    — +nnnn – add the specified quantity to the current quantity

    — -nnnn – subtract the specified quantity from the current quantity

  • yymmddhhmm – simulation date and time at which the resource quantity must be changed. Optional.


Specifies the interval used for producing the CPU Consumption Report. The report also contains the R4HA data (Rolling Four Hours Highest Average CPU Usage) for every LPAR and the overall R4HA. The report is based on the CPU usage of all the jobs ‘executed’ during the Control-M Simulation period. The jobs’ CPU usage, elapsed time, and the LPAR name (where the job runs) are extracted from Control-M Statistics File.

Valid values: 0 – 1440 (in minutes). If set to 0, the CPU Consumption Report is not produced. Default is 60.

The report is produced in the Output DD statement, DACPUST.

For a sample report, see CPU consumption report.

Since the same type of reports are generated by CTMSIM, CTMRNSC, and CTMROGR, the CPU usage data forecasted by simulations can easily be compared with actual data and with other forecasted data from other simulations.

Simulations can be performed in advance to reveal unexpected peaks in CPU usage, and then possible alternatives can be considered and simulated to reduce R4HA.

For more information about the CTMRNSC (Produce Night Schedule Report) and CTMROGR (Produce an Overnight Execution Graph) utilities, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Parent Topic

Simulation Procedure CTMSIM