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New Method

In the current version, the same problem is resolved in a different way using the Parameter Prompting facility – Type 1.

Figure 375 Illustration 2A: How Control-M Now Handles A New Tape

The illustration above represents the one-time definitions required to prepare Control-M for handling the IRS tape when using Parameter Prompting facility – Type 1.

  1. JOB A requires input of the IRS tape number before it can run. The job must be defined in a Control-M table with IN prerequisite condition IRS-TAPE-ARRIVED.
  2. The JCL for JOB A includes %%LIBSYM and %%MEMSYM control statements pointing to the Control-M PROMPT prompting parameters library and the TAPM%%OMONTH.%%ODAY daily AutoEdit member.
  3. Using the first option of the Parameter Prompting facility – Type 1, groups of AutoEdit parameters that require value assignment are defined once. These parameters are grouped into a Master Prompting table, the Master table. Default parameter values may be assigned. In addition, prerequisite conditions to be associated with parameters are designated. In this example, several parameters from various jobs have been defined in the TAP Master table, including the %%IRS_TAPE parameter from JOB A. Prerequisite condition IRS-TAPE-ARRIVED has been associated with this parameter.

When the tape arrives, the user only performs one step (illustrated below):

Figure 376 Illustration 2B: Single Step Now Performed by the User

The user selects the TAP table from a list of Master tables and is presented with Daily Prompting table TAPT1112, an automatically created copy of the Master table for the current date. The Daily Prompting table consists of parameter names, (optional) descriptions, and default values. The user updates the %%IRS_TAPE parameter with the value 123456.

The facility automatically adds condition IRS-TAPE-ARRIVED to the IOA Conditions file and updates the daily AutoEdit member TAPM1112.

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Parameter Prompting Facility – Type 1