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General Information for DO COND (CMEM)

When a rule containing a DO COND statement is triggered, the designated prerequisite conditions are added or deleted (as specified) from the IOA Conditions file by the Control-M monitor.

A prerequisite condition can define any user-specified situation. The following are a few examples of prerequisite conditions:




Prerequisite conditions created or deleted by the DO COND parameter can activate or deactivate Control-O rules, or trigger (or stop) the execution of processes (jobs, and so on) in Control-M, Control-D and other environments.

CMEM AutoEdit System variable %%$JNAME and, for ON DSNEVENT events, variables %%$Dx, %%$DSN, or %%$DSNDISP can be specified in condition names in DO COND statements and are replaced (resolved) at time of rule triggering. For more information, see CMEM AutoEdit Variables.

Representative dates (such as ODAT) are resolved to the actual corresponding date in the site-standard format.

Note: Long condition names cannot be used in CMEM rule definitions.

Parent Topic

DO COND (CMEM): Action Parameter