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CMEM AutoEdit Variables

The CMEM facility supports its own set of AutoEdit variables. No other AutoEdit variables can be used by the CMEM facility. Furthermore, in Control-M, these variables can only be specified in CMEM rules, not in job scheduling definitions or JCL.

CMEM AutoEdit variables are resolved upon triggering of the rule. Available CMEM AutoEdit variables are:

Table 228 CMEM AutoEdit Variables




nth qualifier of the data set name. For example, if the data set name is AAA.BBB.CCC, %%$D2 resolves to BBB. Valid only for rules containing an ON DSNEVENT statement.


Name of the data set handled by the rule. Valid only for rules containing an ON DSNEVENT statement.


Disposition of the data set handled by the rule. Valid only for rules containing an ON DSNEVENT statement.

Possible values are:

  • C – cataloged
  • D – deleted
  • K – kept
  • N – NOT CATLG2
  • R – retained
  • S – scratched
  • U – uncataloged


Job name. Valid in rules for all types of events.


System abend code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.


Completion code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.


User abend code of the step whose termination triggered the rule.

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