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CMEM Rule Ordering, Triggering and Deactivation

CMEM tables, along with their rules, are usually ordered (loaded to memory) when CMEM is started. They can also be refreshed or loaded by an operator command, or manually using the FORCE option in the CMEM Table List screen.

Once a CMEM rule has been loaded in memory, the occurrence of the events specified in its ON statements trigger the rule. All DO statements in the rule are then performed.

More than one rule can be triggered by the occurrence of an event. An event triggers each rule whose ON statement matches the event.

Generally, all actions from all triggered rules are performed.

The one exception occurs when multiple rules are triggered by the same job arrival event and each of the triggered rules contains DO FORCEJOB statements. In this case, the DO FORCEJOB statements of the first triggered rule are performed, but the DO FORCEJOB statements of the other rules triggered by the event are not performed. For more information, see On Spool Jobs.

CMEM rules remain activated, that is, they remain in memory, until they are overridden by the reloading of the rule table or deleted by an operator command.

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Overview of CMEM