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Data set Group Stacking Parameters

Data set groups are groups of data sets for which special stacking information is specified. A group name is assigned to each data set in a sequential matching process. Each data set is assigned the group name of the first group whose description matches the attributes of the data set. The group name assigned to each data set remains assigned to the data set for the duration of the current run of the CTTSBD utility.

Data set groups and relevant information are defined in the file referenced by DD statement CTTSBGRP.

Each data set group is defined by a GROUP statement followed by one or more DATASET statements. Many additional statements can be added in any order to determine how data sets in the group are stacked.

Table 374 CTTSBD Data set Group Statements and Parameters




Statement used to specify characteristics of a data set group. This statement is followed by various other statements that indicate stacking rules for the data set group. All statements listed between this GROUP statement and the next GROUP statement determine stacking rules for this data set group.

Note: All data sets that are in the same group will not be stacked together unless the input statement WITHGRP NAME=SAME is included in the relevant group definition.

Valid values are:

  • NAME – Name of the data set group, from 1 through 20 characters. Data sets that satisfy at least one of the DATASET statements below are assigned this group name.
  • OUTMVLIM – Maximum number of volumes in a chain, from 1 through 20. Data sets in this group are not added to multi-volume chains with more than the specified number of volumes.
    Data sets in this group are also not added to a multivolume chain with the specified number of volumes if the anticipated data set size is larger than the remaining space on the volume.
    If no value is specified for this parameter, the value specified in parameter OUTMVLIM in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility is used.
  • MAXLABEL – Maximum number of data sets in an output volume (or multi-volume chain), from 1 through 999. Data sets in this group are not added to a volume (or chain) that already contains the specified number of data sets or more.
    If no value is specified for this parameter, the value specified in parameter MAXLABEL in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility is used.


  • OUTPREF – Prefix to be added to the names of output data sets in this group. A period is inserted between the new prefix and the original data set name. Valid values:

    - xxx–Prefix to be added (1 to 20 characters). A period can be specified as part of the OUTPREF value.

    - NONE–Add no prefix to the data set name. If a value is specified for OUTPREF in the group definition, that value overrides the OUTPREF value specified in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility.

  • OUTSUFF – Suffix to be added at the end of output data set names in this group. A period is inserted between the original data set name and the new suffix.

    - xxx–Suffix to be added (1 to 20 characters). A period can be specified as part of the OUTSUFF value.

    - NONE–Add no suffix to the data set name. If a value is specified for OUTSUFF in the group definition, that value overrides the OUTSUFF value specified in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility.

  • INUNIT – Unit name to be used by the CTTSBD utility for allocation of each input data set in this group. A name of up to eight characters can be specified.
    If a value is specified for INUNIT in the group definition, that value overrides the INUNIT name specified in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility.
  • OUTUNIT – Unit name to be used by the CTTSBD utility for allocation of each output data set in this group. A name of up to eight characters can be specified.
    If a value is specified for OUTUNIT in the group definition, that value overrides the OUTUNIT name specified in the TYPERUN statement of the CTTSBD utility.


Statement used to determine which data sets belong to the group.

All data sets that match the specified masks are associated with the last specified group name. Multiple values specified in a single DATASET statement have an AND relationship. Multiple DATASET statements have an OR relationship.

The following fields can be specified:

  • DSNAME – Data set name or mask
  • CREJBN – Creating job name or mask

Note: You can set a default group name by specifying DATASET DSNAME=* in the last GROUP definition.

For Generation Data Groups (GDG data sets) the last qualifier (GnnnnVnn) is excluded from the comparison of data set names.


Specifies a data set group (or groups) with which data sets in this group are stacked.

  • grpname–Group name or mask with which data sets in the current group are stacked. A name from 1 through 20 characters in length can be specified.
  • SAME–Stack the data sets in the current group with data sets from the same group.

If more than one WITHGRP statement is included in a group definition, an OR relationship is assumed (meaning, the output data set can be stacked with any of the specified groups).

If no appropriate output volume (or volume chain) is located, the data set is written to a scratch volume.


Specifies a data set group name or mask with which the data sets in the current group will not be stacked. If more than one NOTWGRP statement is specified, the output data set is not stacked with data sets from any of the specified groups.

  • grpname–Group name or mask with which data sets in the current group are not stacked. A name from 1 through 20 characters in length can be specified.
  • SAME–Do not stack data sets in the current group with other data sets from the same group.
  • OTHER–Do not stack data sets in the current group on volumes with data sets from any other group (meaning, allow stacking only with data sets from the group specified in the WITHGRP statement).


Specifies a job (or jobs) that create data sets that are not stacked with the data sets in the current data set group.

  • jname–Job name or mask. Data sets in the current group are not stacked with data sets created by the specified jobs. Specify a jobname or mask from 1 through 8 characters in length.
  • SAME–Do not stack a data set in the current group with other data sets that have the same creating job name.


Specifies a data set name or mask with which data sets in the current data set group are not stacked.

  • dsname–Data set name or mask. Do not allow data sets from the current group to be stacked on volumes with data sets whose original names match the specified name or mask.
    Prefixes and/or suffixes added to output data set names are ignored by this parameter. The CTTSBD utility compares the specified data set name (or mask) with the input data set names that correspond to the output data sets on the candidate volumes.
  • SAME–Do not allow data sets in the current group to be stacked on volumes containing data sets with the same original input data set name.

Note: For Generation Data Groups (GDG data sets) the last qualifier (GnnnnVnn) is excluded from the comparison of data set names.

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CTTSBD Parameters