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CTTSBD General Utility Parameters

Utility parameters are supplied using the SYSIN DD statement, and are shown in Table 372.

Table 372 CTTSBD General Utility Parameters




Used to specify both the parameters that affect the general functioning of the utility, and the execution mode of the utility. Mandatory.

Only one TYPERUN statement can be specified for each run of this utility.

Valid subparameters are:

  • MODE — Operation mode. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - NORMAL — The CTTSBD utility copies specified data sets and updates the MVS Catalog and the Control-M/Tape Media database as specified by utility parameters. The utility also produces various reports that describe the operations it performed.

    - SIMULATION — The CTTSBD utility selects input volumes       according to specified INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements and produces a report indicating how input data sets are distributed in output volume chains if the CTTSBD utility were run in NORMAL mode. No input or output volumes are accessed.

  • NUMVOL — Specifies a maximum number of input volumes to be processed. Optional. A value from 0 through 9999 can be specified. When the specified number of input volumes is reached, the CTTSBD utility finishes processing the data sets in the current input volume chain before stopping. If no value is specified for this parameter, all selected volumes and data sets are processed.
  • TIMELIM — Elapsed time (in minutes) beyond which the utility is stopped. A value from 0 through 9999 can be specified. Default: No time limit. If the specified time limit is reached, the CTTSBD utility finishes processing the data sets in the current input volume chain before stopping.
  • INUNIT — Unit name or unit address to be used by the CTTSBD utility for allocation of each input data set. A name of up to eight characters can be specified. Mandatory. This parameter can be overridden for specific data sets using the INUNIT parameter in a data set group definition.
  • OUTUNIT — Unit name or unit address to be used by the CTTSBD utility for allocation of each output data set. A name of up to eight characters can be specified. Mandatory. This parameter can be overridden for specific data sets using parameter OUTUNIT in a data set group definition.

TYPERUN (cont)

  • INRET — Indicates retention for input data sets. This parameter specifies how long input data sets are retained after they are copied. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - nnnn — Retain input data sets nnnn days before scratching them. A number from 0 through 9999 can be specified.

    - SAME — Do not modify type or duration of retention for input data sets.

  • OUTRET — Indicates retention information to be used for the output data set. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - nnnn — The specific number of days to retain output data sets. A number from 1 through 9999 can be specified.

    - SAME — Copy retention information (for example, retention type and expiration date) from input data set. Fields RTNFROM, JCLEXPDT, DSEXPTYP, and DSEXPDT are copied from the input data set record.

    - RULE — Apply Control-M/Tape rules to determine retention of the newly created output data set.Default.

  • COPYATTR — Indicates whether certain attributes of an input data set are copied to the corresponding output data set. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - Yes — Copy data set attributes (for example, creation date, creating job and creating program) from the input data set to the output data set. This information replaces the attributes assigned by Control-M/Tape to the newly created data set.

    The following fields are copied from the input data set record:


































For more information on the content of these fields, see the appendix that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

- No — Do not copy attributes from the input data set to the output data set.


  • CHAINRET — Determines whether the CTTSBD utility forces a uniform retention type on output volume chains. Valid values are:

    - ONE — All data sets placed on a given output chain must have the same retention type (for example, specific date or CATALOG). An output data set is added to an existing chain only if its retention type is identical to that of data sets already in the chain.

    - ANY — Data sets with different retention types can reside on the same output volume chain. Default.

  • OUTPREF — Prefix to be added to the names of output data sets. A period is inserted between the new prefix and the original data set name. Valid values are:

    - xxx — Prefix to be added (1 to 20 characters). A period can be specified as part of the OUTPREF value.

    - NONE — Add no prefix to the data set name. Default.

This parameter can be overridden for specific data sets using parameter OUTPREF in a data set group definition.

Note: If a new data set name exceeds 44 characters, the CTTSBD utility stops processing the current input volume chain.

  • OUTSUFF — Suffix to be added to output data set names. A period is inserted between the original data set name and the new suffix. Valid values are:

    - xxx — Suffix to be added (1 to 20 characters). A period can be specified as part of the OUTSUFF value.

    - NONE — Add no suffix to the data set name. Default.

This parameter can be overridden for specific data sets using parameter OUTSUFF in a data set group definition.

Note: If a new data set name exceeds 44 characters, the CTTSBD utility stops processing the current input volume chain.

  • OUTCAT — Indicates whether the output data set must be cataloged. Mandatory. Valid values are:

    - Yes — The action taken depends on whether the input and output data sets have the same name. If the input data set and the output data set have the same name (meaning, no prefix or suffix was added) catalog the output data set. If the input data set was cataloged, uncatalog it. If the input and the output data sets do not have the same name, catalog the output data set. If the input data set was cataloged, it remains cataloged. If the output data set name was already cataloged, the utility stops processing the current input volume chain.

    - No — Do not catalog the output data set.

    - RECAT — Catalog the output data set only if the input data set was cataloged. Uncatalog the input data set.


  • COPYEXPF — Specifies whether input data sets with expired retention should be copied during this run of the CTTSBD utility. Optional. Valid values are:

    - Yes — Copy all data sets to output volumes.

    - No — Do not copy data sets marked as expired. Default.

    - COPYEXPF – Do not copy ACTIVE data sets.

Note: If an expired data set is copied by the CTTSBD utility, its status is changed to ACTIVE (meaning, it is unscratched).

  • OUTMVLIM — Specifies a maximum number of volumes for multi-volume chains created by the CTTSBD utility. Optional. Default: 1
    The OUTMVLIM parameter in a data set group definition can override this parameter for specific data sets.

Note: Data sets can be stacked on volumes (or multi-volume chains) created in a given run of the CTTSBD utility even after they have been dismounted. If the specified limit is exceeded during the writing of a multi-volume data set (for example, due to inaccurate information about data set length) the CTTSBD utility continues writing the data set on as many volumes as required.

  • MAXLABEL — Specifies a maximum number of data sets to be stored in an output volume chain created by the CTTSBD utility. A value from 1 through 9999 can be specified.
    Default: 100
    This parameter can be overridden for specific data sets using parameter MAXLABEL in a data set group definition.

Note: Data sets can be stacked on volumes (or multi-volume chains) created in a given run of the CTTSBD utility even after they have been dismounted.

  • VAULTED — Specifies if selected input volumes that are in a vault or are scheduled to be vaulted, are processed by the CTTSBD utility. Valid values are:

    - YES — Process vaulted (and to-be-vaulted) volumes.

    - NO — Do not process vaulted (or to-be-vaulted)| volumes. Default.

    - ONLY — Process only vaulted (and to-be-vaulted) volumes.

Note: If either YES or RECAT is specified for the OUTCAT parameter and the retention type of the input data set is CATALOG, the input data set is expired when it is uncataloged by the CTTSBD utility.

To retain these input data sets for a longer period, you must indicate a specific retention period using the INRET parameter.


  • INVAULT— Indicate vault retention for input volumes. This parameter specifies how long the input volumes are to be retained in their current vault and whether to move them to the next vaults. Valid values are:

    - 0 – Input volumes will be recalled permanently and will not continue moving to the next vaults. Default

    - nnn – Retain input volumes nnn days in current vault, and then continue moving to next vaults.

    - SAME – Do not modify vault retention for input volumes

    Maximum value for INVAULT is 999.

  • OUTVAULT— Indicate vault pattern to be used for the output volume. Valid values are:

    - RULE— Apply Control-M/Tape rules to determine vault pattern of the newly created output volume. Default.

    - SAME — Copy vault pattern from input volume to the output volume. When using this option the utility will ensure that only input volumes with the same vault pattern will be copied to the same output volume.

  • OUTVOLMB — Indicates the capacity (in megabytes) of an output volume. This parameter is most useful for prediction of utility results when running in simulation mode.

    A value from 1 through 1000000 can be specified. Default: 200
    A very large value can be used during simulation to determine how many logical sets of output data sets are created by a run of the CTTSBD utility. For more information, see Simulation Reports.

  • MAXERR – Maximum number of severe runtime errors before the utility shuts down. Normally, when the program encounters a severe error, the CTTSBD utility abandons the current input volume chain and skips to the next input volume chain. This parameter can be used to specify a maximum number of severe errors that can be encountered during a run of the CTTSBD utility. If the specified number of severe errors is reached, the utility shuts down. Valid values are 0-100. This parameter is relevant only when the utility is running in normal mode. Default: 1

Note: If MAXERR is set to 0, the CTTSBD utility continues no matter how many severe errors are encountered.

  • PARALLEL – Run more than one job of the CTTSBD utility at the same time. Valid values are:

    - NO – Only one job of the CTTSBD utility can run at any one time. Default.

    - YES – More than one job of the CTTSBD utility can run at any one time.


  • CARTCOST — Cost of a single volume (cartridge) in the tape library. This value includes media, slot space, automated tape library, and management costs. A value from 1 through 1000000 can be specified. Default:20
    This parameter can be used to estimate savings resulting from a run of the CTTSBD utility at your site.
  • PROCESS — Instructions for handling data sets that exist on the same input volume chain as a data set that matches an INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement. Valid values are:

    - CHAIN — The INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement applies to all data sets in the same input volume chain (meaning, either all or none of the data sets are processed). Default.

    If one or more data sets in an input volume chain match and INCLUDE statement, all data sets in the chain are selected. If one or more data sets in an input volume chain were rejected by the INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements, no data sets in the chain are processed.

    - DATASET — Only data sets that match the specified INCLUDE selection criteria and are not rejected by subsequent EXCLUDE statements are processed.


The following examples describe how parameter PROCESS can influence the processing of an input volume chain.

All examples below apply to an input volume chain containing the following data sets:

  • SYS1 — Begins on volume VOL001 and ends on VOL002.
  • SYS2 — Begins on volume VOL002 and ends on VOL003.
  • SYS3 — Resides on VOL003.

Example 1

The following INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are specified:



The results are as follows:

  • If PROCESS is set to CHAIN, none of the data sets are processed by the utility.
  • If PROCESS is set to DATASET, only SYS2 and SYS3 data sets are processed by the utility.

Example 2

The following INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are specified:




The results are as follows:

  • If PROCESS is set to CHAIN, none of the data sets are processed by the utility.
  • If PROCESS is set to DATASET, only data sets SYS2 and SYS3 are processed by the utility.

Example 3

The following INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements are specified:


The results are as follows:

  • If PROCESS is set to CHAIN, all data sets (SYS1, SYS2 and SYS3) are processed by the utility.
  • If PROCESS is set to DATASET, only SYS2 and SYS3 data sets are processed by the utility.




Statements specifying the volumes and data sets to be used as input for the CTTSBD utility. These statements are specified immediately after the TYPERUN statement. At least one INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement must be specified.

Note: If no INCLUDE statement is specified (meaning, only EXCLUDE statements are specified) an implicit INCLUDE statement, which selects all volumes and data sets, is assumed.

Each INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement specifies conditions for the selection of a volume record and/or a data set record from the Media database. If volume and data set information are specified in an INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement, the CTTSBD utility checks each data set record together with the record of the each volume in the chain on that the data set resides.

If a data set on a volume chain matches an EXCLUDE statement, the other data sets that exist together with it on the same volume chain may or may not be processed depending on the value specified for parameter PROCESS (described earlier).

The following fields can be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements for the CTTSBD utility:

Data set Record Fields





















Volume Record Fields























These fields enable you to select data sets and volumes according to application, age, usage, size, free space, and so on.

For more information on these fields and INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statement format, see Record Selection Logic (INCLUDE / EXCLUDE Statements) (CTM), and the appendix that discusses logical field names for the Control-M/Tape Repository in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

The following additional fields are created from information calculated by the CTTSBD utility and can also be specified in INCLUDE / EXCLUDE statements as selection criteria for input data sets and input volumes:

Table 373 CTTSBD Additional Fields




Data set group name


Percent of occupied space on a single volume or the last volume of an input volume chain

Volumes in a volume chain that are not the last volume of the chain are always considered 100 percent full.


For volume chains created by a previous run of the CTTSBD utility, the number of days that have passed since the volume chain was created.



Selects all data sets on volume chains in which the last (or only) volume is less than 5 percent full and contains a data set with a prefix of ACCT.

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CTTSBD Parameters