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The following parameters can be specified in the CHANGETO area:

Table 270 CTDUPBKP CHANGETO Parameters




Number of generations. Valid values are:

  • nnnn – Valid numeric value greater than zero. Only the FILE=HST and BKPMIS parameters can be defined in the SELECT area.
    The RETPD parameter, described in this table, must not be defined in the CHANGETO area. Reports belonging to the Backup mission are switched from "DAYS TO KEEP" method to the "GENERATIONS TO KEEP" method. The value of "DAYS TO KEEP" is automatically set to 0000. If there is no corresponding Backup control record in the History file, this utility creates it.
  • NONE – The RETPD parameter must be defined in the CHANGETO area. Reports belonging to the Backup mission are switched from "GENERATIONS TO KEEP" method to the "DAYS TO KEEP" method.


Five-digit value ranging from 00001 through 65535, identical to the # DAYS TO KEEP value in the Backup mission.

If this parameter is specified without specifying parameter GENER, the value of parameter GENERATIONS TO KEEP must be 0 in the corresponding Backup control record in the History Report List file. Otherwise, the CTDUPBKP utility produces an error message.

The value that you specify is compared with the current value in the corresponding migration mission. If the new value differs from the value currently specified in the corresponding migration mission, a warning message is issued, alerting you to the difference.


A new volume serial number (maximum 6 characters) for the volume be updated. A maximum of 10 volsers can be specified (for example, 111111, 222222, 333333). The number of volsers specified must be identical to the number of volsers specified in the SELECT area (described above).

Note: If the RECVOL parameter, described in Table 269, is specified in the Selection group of parameters, the new volume serial number is based on the specifications in DD statement RECVOL.


If the CTDUPBKP utility was previously run with parameter SECONDARY specified, running this utility again with parameter PRIMARY causes the primary migrated copy of CDAM and index files to be used when accessing the migrated report. Parameter FILE must be set to MIG in the SELECT area.


If the CTDUPBKP utility is run with parameter SECONDARY specified, the secondary migrated copy of CDAM and index files are used when accessing the migrated report. Parameter FILE must be set to MIG in the SELECT area. If there is no secondary migration information, in SYSDATA or the index record, this parameter is ignored.

Note: Parameters PRIMARY and SECONDARY are relevant if a value was specified for parameter SECONDARY was specified in the Migration Mission Definition screen.


Name for the new backup mission. This parameter is relevant only for reports that have yet to be backed up (meaning, not for reports that have already been backed up, even if the corresponding User and SYSDATA records are located in the Active User file).


Name for the new migration mission. This parameter is relevant only for reports located in the Migration file and for reports located in the Active user file — not for reports that have already been migrated, even if the corresponding User and SYSDATA records are located in the Active User file.


When specified, the parameter forces the CTDUPBKP utility to change a migration mission name for already migrated reports and reset the 'Migrated' status to again allow migration of selected reports. The parameter can only be used when the NEWMIG parameter is specified for reports located in the Active User file.



One or both of these parameters may be specified:

  • SCRATCHVOL – forces a scratch primary tape volume for the next migration mission run.
  • SCRATCHSECVOL – forces a scratch secondary tape volume for the next migration mission run.

If one of these parameters is specified, the last tape VOLSER kept in the X'FE'MIGRATE record of the Migrated User file is cleared, and so the next migration mission run will request a scratch tape volume independent of optional wish WV0241. The following migration mission run will request tape volumes according to the status of optional wish WV0241.

These parameters are valid only when FILE=MIG and the MIGMIS selection parameters are specified. Other selection criteria are ignored for this function. The action is performed for the migration mission specified in the MIGMIS selection parameter, or for all migration missions if MIGMIS=ALL is specified.

If any other parameter is not specified in the CHANGETO group, the SYSDATA records are not searched and no reports are issued to the file referred to by the DAREPORT DD statement. The performed changes are reported in the UBK9F2I messages sending to SYSPRINT.


Deletes existing report association defined with the ASSOC decollation parameter.

NOASSOC and NEWASSOC parameters are mutual exclusive.

NEWASSOC parameter is ignored when NOASSOC parameter is present.


Sets or changes the report association defined with the ASSOC decollation parameter.

NOASSOC and NEWASSOC parameters are mutual exclusive.

NEWASSOC parameter is ignored when NOASSOC parameter is present.

Parent Topic

CTDUPBKP – Update Backup and Migration Details