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CTDUPBKP Selection Parameters

The following parameters can be specified in the SELECT statement:

Table 269 CTDUPBKP SELECT Parameters




Type of file to be acted upon. Mandatory. Specify at least one of the following files:

  • ACT – Active User Report List file
  • HST – History User Report List file
  • MIG – Migration User Report List file


Name of the job that produced the reports. Optional.


Job ID (maximum: 7 digits) of the job that produced the report. Optional.


Earliest decollation date and time of reports to be selected for update.

Format: date, time

Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined in installation member IOAPARM).

Time format is hhmmss.


Latest decollation date and time of reports to be selected for update.

Format: date, time

Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined in installation member IOAPARM).

Time format is hhmmss.


Earliest backup date and time of reports to be selected for update.

Format: date, time

Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined in installation member IOAPARM).

Time format is hhmmss.


Latest backup date and time of reports to be selected for update. Format: date, time. Both parameters are optional, but time cannot be specified without specifying date.

Date format is mmddyy, ddmmyy or yymmdd (depending on the site standard defined in installation member IOAPARM).

Time format is hhmmss.


Backup mission name. Validity checks are identical to those of DO BACKUP in the decollation mission definition. Optional.


Migration mission name. Validity checks are identical to those of DO MIGRATE in the decollation mission definition. If MIGMIS=ALL is specified, all records that do not have an empty migration mission name field are selected. Optional.


Name of the media where the migrated report is located. Optional.


Name of the media where the secondary copy of the migrated report is located. Optional.


Volume serial number (maximum 6 characters) to be updated. A maximum of 10 volume serial numbers can be specified. Optional. Example: 444444, 555555, 666666.

Parameter VOLSER cannot be used with parameter RECVOL.


The volume to be updated is retrieved from DD statement RECVOL (instead of from parameter VOLSER). This parameter enables users who converted from CA-DISPATCH to Control-D to change the archive volume name and the number of files that were backed up in CA-DISPATCH. Valid values are:

  • NO – The volume to be updated is retrieved from parameter VOLSER. Default.
  • YES – Both the volume to be updated, and the value to use when updating, are retrieved from DD statement RECVOL.

Parameter RECVOL cannot be used with parameter VOLSER.


Platter name.(maximum: 9 characters.) This parameter is used as a selection parameter for migration files and can be specified for Kodak OptiStar Storage System (OSS) only.


Valid values are:

  • YES – Files are not updated. Only a report of all records to be updated is produced. Default.
  • NO – Files are actually updated.


Specifies the report file type (for example, DOC, PDF, AFP).

Parent Topic

CTDUPBKP – Update Backup and Migration Details