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Example for CTDUFMPR

MUF consists of the following three partitions:

If today is 31/12/2013, it means that the reports from the last 2 years are in the main partition, the reports from the previous 3 years are in partition 2, and older reports are in partition 1.

We want to reorganize the MUF, so that the main partition only contains the reports from the last year, partition 2 contains the reports from the previous 3 years, and partition 1 contains older reports.

The first partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created until 31/12/2009.

The second partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012.

The last main partition will contain reports related to CDAMs created from 01/01/2013 until today.

In the first step, CTDUFMPR is submitted with the following parameters:







or the same with SYSIN DD parameters:





The utility will copy the reports for the year 2012 from the main partition to partition 2. The reports for the year 2009 will be copied from partition 2 to partition 1. TIMELIM=1600 means that we allow the utility to work a maximum of 16 hours in one run.

If all the required records are copied in 16 hours, the utility ends with RC=0 and the X'FE'MIGPART record with the new partition distribution is stored in the MUF. If the utility does not have time to copy all the required records during 16 hours, it will end with RC=4 and the following warning message:


In this case we must submit the utility with the COPY function again, even several times, until all the required records have been copied.

After the utility with the COPY function ends with RC=0, we must perform the actions described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide to enable end users to work with the new partition distribution.

The final step is to submit the utility with the DELETE function to remove the old records, which were copied to the other partitions, from MUF. Use the following command:



If all the required records are deleted in 16 hours, the utility will end with RC=0 and the repartition process is completed. If the utility ends with RC=4 and the CTDMRFW warning message, it must be submitted again, even several times, until all the required records are deleted.

Parent Topic

CTDUFMPR - Repartition of the Migrated User Report List File in place