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CTDREPUS Parameters

The utility input parameters specified in the SYSIN DD input stream define which report entries will be selected for analysis. All parameters are optional. If no selection parameters are specified, the utility selects for analysis all Control-D reports from all Control-D User files (Active, Migrated, and History). The parameters are described in Table 230.

Table 230 CTDREPUS utility input parameters




Determines the list of Control-D User files to be processed.

The valid values are:

  • ACT - Active User file
  • HST - History User file
  • MIG - Migration User file

If more than one file is specified, the list must be enclosed in brackets and the values in the list separated by commas.


Report Name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask. If blanks or apostrophes are included in the Report name, the Report name must be specified between apostrophes and the apostrophes included in the Report name must be doubled.

Maximum length is 50 characters.


Job name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 8 characters.


Report Category to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 20 characters.


User name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 8 characters.


Earliest decollation date to be selected for processing.

Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).


Latest decollation date to be selected for processing.

Date format is mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member).


Number of days the report have not been used. Only reports which have not been accessed for viewing, printing or restore the specified number of days or more will be selected for processing.

Maximum available value of parameter is 99999.


Backup mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 8 characters.

This parameter is checked by processing Active and History User File.


Migration mission name to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 8 characters.

This parameter is checked by processing Active and Migration User File.


Migration media where the migrated CDAM files reside. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 8 characters.

This parameter is checked by processing Migration User File.


Name of the CDAM dataset containing the report to be selected for processing. Complete value or mask.

The maximum length is 44 characters.

By Active and History User file processing, the original CDAM name is searched.

By Migrated User file processing, the original and the primary and secondary migrated CDAM dataset names are searched. If at least one of names: original CDAM name/primary migrated CDAM name/secondary migrated CDAM name satisfies to the specified parameter, the report is selected for processing.


The tape volume serial number where the backed up or migrated CDAM file containing the report to be selected resides. Complete value or mask.

Maximum length is 6 characters.

This parameter is checked by processing History or Migrated User files.


Specifies the column number and the column values sequence into which the output report will be sorted.

The format of the parameter is (n,A) or (n,D) where:

  • n - specifies the column number. The valid value is from 1 to 16 according to number of columns in the output report. You can see the columns description and their numbers in CTDREPUS Output.
  • A - specifies sort of the column values in Ascending sequence.
  • D - specifies sort of the column values in Descending sequence.

Parent Topic

CTDREPUS – Control-D report usage analysis