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SUBMITDS default parameter member

The DEFPARMS DD statement refers to a member that contains the default parameters for the CTMDSRN utility.

The sample default member, SUBMITDS, located in the Control-M PARM library, shows the following structure:

PORT=1111,                             Default CTM/Agent port.

SCRIPT_PREFIX=CTMMF,                   Script name prefix

SCRIPT_TYPE=bat,                       Default script type.

MF_HOST_NAME=tlv3,                     MF host name

A2ETBL=<name>,                         ASCII to EBCDIC table name

E2ATBL=<name>,                         EBCDIC to ASCII table name

The parameters in SUBMITDS are decribed in the following table:

Table 115 Description of sample default member, SUBMITDS




Default Control-M/Agent "server_to_agent" port. Used if the –port parameter is missing and is not defined in DSHOSTS table.


This prefix is added to each script name generated by the utility to identify the script.


Specifies the type of script, using the script filename extension, which in this sample is bat.


Host name which must be passed to Control-M/Agent for authentication purposes.


Name of member, located in the IOA PARM library, that contains the ASCII to EBCDIC translation table. If the name is not specified, a default English translation table is used.


Name of member, located in the IOA PARM library, that contains the EBCDIC to ASCII translation table. If the name is not specified, a default English translation table is used.

Parent Topic

CTMDSRN – Distributed system job submission from mainframe