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CTMDSRN Parameters

The CTMDSRN utility receives the following parameters from the DEFPARMS input file referenced by the SYSIN DD statement:

Table 114 CTMDSRN input parameters (referenced by SYSIN DD)






EBCDIC to ASCII translation table name. Optional. Default is defined in the file referred to by DD DEFPARMS.


ASCII to EBCDIC translation table name. Optional. Default is defined in the file referred to by DD DEFPARMS.

–cleanup  number_of_days

Sends NEWDAY request to all agents defined in the DSHOSTS member of CTMPARM library. If cleanup is defined, the utility ignores all other parameters.

The number_of_days option specifies the number of days to keep the SYSOUT log. number_of_days is a mandatory value.

It is recommended to run cleanup once per day.

–s/–script ddname

Specifies a script file to execute. Optional. If omitted, SCRIPT ddname is assumed.

–script_type type

Specifies the type of script using the script filename extension, such as, bat, cmd, or vbs. Optional. The utility takes the default value from SUBMITDS.

–o/-options options

Specifies command line options. Optional.

–f/-x/-file ddname

Specifies the ddname that refers to the plain text file containing the values for the utility options. Optional.

-C/-cmdid order_ id

Specifies an order ID for the task. Optional. If omitted, the utility generates an order ID.

–c/-cmd command

Command line (If define command line script related parameters are ignored): -script, -script_name and –script_type

–u/-userid user

Owner (user). Optional. If omitted – utility will use default user from DSHOSTS.

–i/–host host

Computer name where the script will run.

–p/-port port

Specify the Control-M/Agent "server_to_agent" port. Optional. If omitted assume default value from DSHOSTS table.

All parameters begin with a hyphen (-). The utility ignores a parameter if it is unknown. There can be more than one parameter per line. A parameter and its value are separated with spaces. A value ends when the next parameter begins or at the end of the file. Input parameters can be coded in positions 1 – 72.

If the values for the -options, -cmd, -script_name parameters contain spaces or shell meta-characters, they must be enclosed in single ( ' ) or double ( " ) quotation marks. If an enclosing character is part of the option, prefix the character with the command line escape character, back slash ( \ ).

Parent Topic

CTMDSRN – Distributed system job submission from mainframe