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Sample report using the VERIFY FILE HST parameter

=======================       HISTORY JOBS FILE        =======================


            DATA SET NAME:  PFVN.CTMD618.HST                                  

             DDNAME:         DAHIST                                            


                 GENERAL DATA                                                  

                  VOLUME SERIAL:        SYST09                 

                  DEVICE TYPE:            3390                 

                  ORGANIZATION:             PS                 

                  RECORD FORMAT:             F                 

                  RECORD LENGTH:         1,024                 

                  BLOCK SIZE:            1,024                 


               CURRENT ALLOCATION                              

                  ALLOCATED RECDS:     100,023                 

                  DEFINED RECDS:       100,000                 


               CURRENT UTILIZATION                             

                  INDEX RECDS:           6,138                 

                  USED RECDS:           84,051                 

                  FREE RECDS:            9,811                 

                  AVG # RECDS/JOB:        2.00                 

                  FREE SPACE-NEW JBS:    4,905                 

The 'AVG # RECDS/JOB: 2' means that, on average, two records on the History file are required to hold the information for one job.   Since the History file can hold a maximum of 100,000 records (DEFINED RECDS), it can hold approximately a maximum of 50,000 jobs. 'USED RECDS:' is 84,051, which means that there are approximately 42,025 jobs on the AJF file. In percentage terms, approximately 84% of the History file is used to hold jobs. Another six percent (6,138/100,000) of the History is used to hold index records. Therefore, a total of approximately 90% of the History is used for both jobs and indexes.

FREE SPACE-NEW JBS is calculated by dividing 9,811 (FREE RECDS) by 2.00. The result is 4,905. This means that theoretically 4,905 jobs can be added to the History file.   When jobs are copied from the AJF to the History file, index records are also created. Since approximately six percent (6,138/100,000) of the file is used to hold index records, this means that six percent must be subtracted from the 4,905 jobs that can be added to the History. This means that approximately 4,611 jobs can be added to the History file.

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IOAVERFY Sample reports