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IOAPFSTC Parameters

The parameters listed in Table 78 can be specified in the SYSIN DD input stream as keyword statements.

Table 78 IOAPFSTC parameters




Where function indicates function to be performed. Valid functions are PRINT and CLEAN. Default is PRINT.

All the following parameters are processed when FUNCTION=PRINT, except the two parameters DAYS and MODE.

When FUNCTION=CLEAN only the two parameters DAYS and MODE are relevant.



Where type indicates the type of reports to be printed. Valid report types are:

  • DETAIL – the report containing the detail information per IOA Application Server requests is printed. The statistics counters are printed separately per IOAAS request type.

    A corresponding file specified by the DAPFSXL DD statement is issued for processing by Microsoft EXCEL.

  • TOTAL – the total report containing the summary statistics information per time intervals is printed. The statistics counters are summarized for all requests received during the interval.

    A corresponding file referred by the DAPFTXL DD statement is issued for processing by EXCEL. Default.

  • ALL - both total and detail reports and corresponding files for EXCEL are issued


Earliest date of the statistic records to be included in the reports. The date format can be one of the following: mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member). Obligatory.


Latest date of the statistic records to be included in the reports. The date format can be one of the following: mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd (depending on the site standard defined in the IOAPARM installation member). Obligatory.


The beginning of the time of day for the dates to be included in the reports. The time format is hhmm. Optional.

Note: If one of the parameters, either TIMEFROM or TIMETO, is specified, the second must also be specified. If both of these parameters are not specified, the reports contain information of the entire days for the date interval specified by the DATEFROM and DATETO parameters.


The end of the time of day for the dates to be included in the report. The time format is hhmm. Optional.

See note for TIMEFROM.


Indicates the name of the IOA Application server address space for which the statistic reports are issued. Optional. If this parameter is omitted, statistic reports for all IOA Application Server address spaces are issued.


Indicates the name of the LPAR for which the statistic reports are issued. Optional. If this parameter is omitted, statistic reports for all LPARs are issued.


Run mode.

Valid values are:

  • PROD - A normal production run.
  • TEST - A simulation run that produces report only. Default.


The retention period of the statistical records.

The statistic records with an older age will be deleted from Permanent User File.

Valid values are:

  • -1 - remove all statistic records from Permanent User File.
  • 0 - remove all statistic records from Permanent User File except today.
  • N - remove all statistic records from Permanent User File with age older than N. Default = 365

Parent Topic

IOAPFSTC – Printing performance statistics reports